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Scholarship Applications Open! | Apply Now for Convention Registration Scholarships, Frances Blaisdell Convention Scholarship, & First Generation in College Scholarship

Graduate Research Competition


The Graduate Research Competition promotes the value of research and exposes new and important scholarly work to an interested audience. A panel will select up to two winners for their outstanding contributions to flute study based on the quality of their research, abstract, and proposal. Entrants must have a completed graduate degree at the time of entry, earned no more than five years prior to the convention. Projects submitted for consideration must be original research and not previously published. Applicants who have previously presented or applied to present materials from their graduate research at an NFA convention must submit a proposal that is significantly different from their previous presentation. The proposal should note the other presentation and explain how this one differs. Each winner will be invited to give a 25-minute presentation summarizing the important contributions of their dissertation/thesis/treatise/project at the 2025 NFA Convention in Atlanta. The winners’ abstracts will be published in The Flutist Quarterly. Each dissertation/thesis/treatise will be deposited in the NFA Music Library at the University of Arizona after review.

>This application closed on February 12th, 2025. Competition results will be announced in April.<

Competition Requirements*

  • All flutists must be current NFA members at the time the entry is submitted. If chosen to perform or present during the convention, flutists must also be current members at the time of the convention and register for the convention by July 1, 2025. To join or renew, go to
  • Completed entry 
  • Uploaded files - abstract, table of contents, a sample chapter, and a detailed proposal of a 25-minute presentation (PDFs preferred)
  • Do not include your name or affiliation on the proposal, table of contents, chapter, or abstract.
  • $65 entry fee (paid during submission process)

All entrants must submit their entry, upload recordings/supplemental materials, and pay competition and membership fees by 11:59 p.m. Central Standard Time, Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

* Competitions are subject to all rules and regulations on this page as well as the General Competition Information and Rules and Regulations. Incomplete entries will be subject to disqualification.


Heidi Alvarez