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To become a member, click here. To renew a previous membership, click here.

Levels of Membership

All NFA memberships, except life memberships, last for one year and will be in effect 365 days from when you join or renew. To learn more about rolling membership, click here.

Membership Level

Membership Price

Active Membership


Active members receive a subscription to The Flutist Quarterly, the member magazine of the National Flute Association; access to member profiles on the NFA website; the opportunity to attend the annual four-day flute convention held each August in rotating cities throughout the U.S.; the opportunity to propose and present a performance, panel, workshop or lecture at the convention; the opportunity to apply for competitions and masterclasses; borrowing privileges from the NFA Music Library, a collection of more than 15,000 works; eligibility for low-cost instrument insurance; included or discounted subscriptions to other music education/mentorship platforms; and the opportunity to network with flutists from all over the U.S. and world, including professionals, students, amateurs, teachers, and students.*

Lower Income Membership


Members at this tier receive the same benefits that active members receive. To apply for this level, member must have an annual income of $40,000 or less.*

Student Membership


Student members receive the same benefits that active members receive, minus voting rights. To apply for this level, member must be a full-time student at a qualified institution.*

Discounted Student Group


10 or more students who join or renew their NFA membership at the same time receive the student membership for 50% off the regular price. Click here for more information.*

Life Membership


Life members receive the same benefits that active members receive. Life members make a one-time payment, valid for the life of the member.* Click here for more information.

Commercial Membership


Commercial Members receive discounted advertising rates; a subscription to The Flutist Quarterly, the member magazine of the National Flute Association; a listing in our website Commercial Members Directory; access to member profiles on the NFA website; the opportunity to exhibit at or attend the annual convention held each August in rotating cities throughout the U.S.; and the opportunity to network with flutists from all over the U.S. and world, including professionals, amateurs, teachers, and students.*

Library Membership


Library members receive a subscription to The Flutist Quarterly. Library members do not receive any other NFA mailings or benefits. Library members are listed in a separate section in the annual roster of membership. Click here for the library membership form.*
*Member benefits subject to change.