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Membership & Benefits

Group Discount for Students

We offer a 50% discount to groups of 10 or more students registering at once for NFA student memberships. Student members receive the same benefits as active members, minus voting rights. For details on membership, click here.

Teachers are welcome to team up with colleagues at different schools to reach the 10-student minimum! To register for student memberships in a group of 10, fill out the Student Group Form below and submit it along with payment.

For more information, contact our Membership Manager, Mily Harrod at

Payment Options

Before the NFA staff can process these memberships, payment must be received. We ask that a single payment be made to cover the full group. Payment can be made through the below options:


2. Check

  • Mailed to:
    The National Flute Association
    70 East Lake Street, Suite 200
    Chicago, IL 60601

If your school or organization requires a special process to submit payment, select "Other" within the payment section of the form and provide a brief description and the best contact information. Our staff will be in touch. 

NOTE: When providing an email address, please do not use a school-assigned email ending in .edu.


Student Group Membership Form

Teacher/Adult Leader Contact Information

Do not use an email ending in .edu

Student Information

Please provide the information for each student below. Once our staff has processed the memberships, each individual will be getting an email to set up their NFA portal. 

Student #1

Do not use an email ending in .edu

Example: She/Her/Hers, They/Them, He/Him/His

Student #2

Do not use an email ending in .edu

Example: She/Her/Hers, They/Them, He/Him/His

Student #3

Do not use an email ending in .edu

Example: She/Her/Hers, They/Them, He/Him/His

Student #4

Do not use an email ending in .edu

Example: She/Her/Hers, They/Them, He/Him/His

Student #5

Do not use an email ending in .edu

Example: She/Her/Hers, They/Them, He/Him/His

Student #6

Do not use an email ending in .edu

Example: She/Her/Hers, They/Them, He/Him/His

Student #7

Do not use an email ending in .edu

Example: She/Her/Hers, They/Them, He/Him/His

Student #8

Do not use an email ending in .edu

Example: She/Her/Hers, They/Them, He/Him/His

Student #9

Do not use an email ending in .edu

Example: She/Her/Hers, They/Them, He/Him/His

Student #10

Do not use an email ending in .edu

Example: She/Her/Hers, They/Them, He/Him/His


Before the NFA staff can process these memberships, payment must be received. Payment can be made through Paypal, or by check. Please refer to the top of this page for more information. 

How will you make payment?

Multiply $27.50 by the number of students listed