All flutists are invited to join one of the flute choirs below, which will rehearse and perform at the NFA convention. Sign-up instructions are below. The sign-up process has changed this year - for most choirs, you will receive an email with links to join the ensemble after you register for the convention.
Ensembles fill on a first come, first-served basis, so early registration is strongly encouraged.
Conductor: Kinard Douthit
Wednesday, 3pm - 5pm, Centennial Ballroom
Wednesday, 8pm - 10pm, Centennial Ballroom
Thursday, 8am - 9am, Centennial Ballroom
Performance: Thursday,
9am - 10am, Centennial Ballroom (during Opening Ceremonies)
Sign-Up: After you register for the convention, you will receive a confirmation email with sign-up instructions. For questions, contact Kathy Farmer.
Conductor: Christian Lampkin
Wednesday, 5pm - 6:15pm, Hanover Hall CD
Thursday, 6:45pm - 7:45pm, Hanover
Hall B
Friday, 6:45pm - 7:45pm, Hanover Hall B
Saturday, 9am - 10am, Hanover Hall B
Performance: Saturday, 1:30pm - 3:30pm, Hanover Hall CD
Sign-Up: After you register for the convention, you will receive a confirmation email with sign-up instructions. For questions, contact Flor Lizbeth Cruz Longoria
Conductor: Erin Spencer
Wednesday, 6:30pm - 7:45pm, Hanover Hall FG
Thursday, 5:30pm - 6:30pm, Hanover Hall A
5:30pm - 6:30pm, Hanover Hall A
Saturday, 8am - 9am, Hanover Hall A
Performance: Saturday, 5:30-6:30pm, Hanover Hall FG
Sign-Up: To sign-up, please send Vincenzo Volpe an email to express interest in performing with the LGBTQIA+ Flute Choir.
Conductor: Wendy Kumer
Thursday, 2:45pm - 4:15pm, Spring Room
Friday, 12:30pm - 2pm, Spring Room
Saturday, 12:30pm - 2pm
Spring Room
Sunday, 8am - 9am, Hanover Hall CD (soundcheck)
Performance: Sunday, 9am - 10am, Hanover Hall CD
Sign-Up: After you register for the convention, you will receive a confirmation email with sign-up instructions. For questions, contact Zinnie Jones
Join the Closing Flute Orchestra to perform in one -- or all -- of these world premiere performances! Instrumentation varies across the pieces, and each ensemble will fill on a first come, first served basis.
To crown our theme of unity and universal oneness, we will close the convention with a joyful performance of A Call to Unity. This piece, written for this occasion by composer Jonathan Cohen, celebrates the diverse but close-knit worldwide flute community.
Conductor: Jonathan Cohen
Saturday, 8am - 9am, Centennial Ballroom
Sunday, 10am - 11am, Centennial
Performance: Sunday, 4pm - 6pm, Centennial Ballroom (during Closing Gala Concert)
Sign-Up: After you register for the convention, you will receive a confirmation email with sign-up instructions. For questions, contact Jonathan Cohen.
This new work is inspired by the intricate, thread-like network that forms the foundation of fungal ecosystems, using music to symbolize the invisible threads that bind us together. This large-scale flute ensemble work invites audience participation, creating an immersive and dynamic musical experience.
Conductor: Tilmann Dehnhard
Saturday, 9am - 10am, Centennial Ballroom
Sunday, 9am - 10am, Centennial Ballroom
Performance: Sunday, 4pm - 6pm, Centennial Ballroom (during Closing Gala Concert)
Sign-Up: After you
register for the convention, you will receive a confirmation email with sign-up instructions. For questions, contact Julia Carey.
All low flutists, of any pitch, shape or size, are invited to sign-up for this world premiere performance of a new work by Paige Dashner Long. WOW! That’s “ja lotta” low flutes!
Conductor: Paige Dashner Long
Saturday, 4:30-5:15pm,
Centennial Ballroom
Sunday, 11am-12pm, Centennial Ballroom
Performance: Sunday, 4-6pm, Centennial Ballroom (during Closing Gala Concert)
Sign-Up: After you register for the convention, you will receive a confirmation email with sign-up instructions. For questions, contact Paige Dashner Long.
Calling all contrabass flutes of any pitch, shape or size to premiere “Colossal Contra Crush” a 4-minute new piece by Paige Dashner Long.
Conductor: Paige Dashner Long
Saturday, 12:30-1:30pm,
Sunday, 11:30am-12pm, Centennial Ballroom
Performance: Sunday, 4-6pm, Centennial Ballroom (during Closing Gala Concert)
Sign-Up: After you register for the convention, you will receive a confirmation email with sign-up instructions. For questions, contact Paige Dashner Long.