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The NFA Monthly Cast


The NFA Monthly Cast is the official podcast of The National Flute Association.

Each month, we'll feature guests from within the NFA to talk about our organization, the flute community, and the ways that this instrument brings us together. 

Listen below or on Spotify (link opens in new window).

NFA Monthly Cast Cover Art

We Want to Hear From You! 

Is there something you've always wanted to know about the NFA? A flute mystery you're trying to solve? Submit your question, and you could be featured on next month's episode!

About You

Don't worry, we'll only share your first name publicly. We will contact you via email if your question will be featured on the podcast. 

Submit Your Question!

If you can, send us a voice memo or audio file. Otherwise, type your question in the box below. 

Option 1: Upload an audio file (preferred):

Submit an mp3 file of your question

By checking the box below, I give the NFA permission to share my question on the NFA Monthly Cast, on social media, or through other public channels. My question may be edited for clarity or length.