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NFA Committee Web Presence Guidelines

Committee Web Pages

To create an NFA committee web page, please submit the following information to communications manager Noah Cline at

  • Committee name
  • Committee mission
    • No longer than 120 words.
  • Activities
    • List any projects or initiatives your committee is working on. If you have more than one, please add a new heading for each. Each description should be no more than 120 words long.
  • Resources/links
    • You may include resources your committee has created collectively and/or links to helpful external resources (e.g., articles, websites, videos, books, etc.) Regarding resources that were created by committee members individually (not as part of a committee project), one such resource per committee member may be included, if relevant. Resources that promote individual members or advertise products or services will not be posted.
  • Photos
    • A committee may choose to include up to 6 photos on its web page.
  • Videos
    • A committee may choose to include up to 3 videos on its web page.
  • Handouts/resource sheets
    • A committee web page may link to up to 4 hosted PDFs.

Updates can be made to a committee page no more than once per quarter.

Sub-pages may be created for special information that is not included on the main committee page, such as a project sign-up sheet. Committees are limited to 3 sub-pages on an as-needed basis.

Design of committee web pages (including format and color choices) is pre-determined by staff and will reflect the design of the larger NFA website.

Tips for Writing (or Rewriting) Content

  • It’s suggested that you review your committee page quarterly to ensure that information is up to date.
  • Your committee can also submit to the NFA Committees Blog. Blog posts are a great way to share topical or timely information with the community at large. See "Committee Blog Posts” section below for details.
  • Use the mission of your committee as your guide, and keep in mind that projects and resources should not highlight specific committee members or companies.
  • Please note that any content you submit may be reformatted or edited by NFA staff.

Committee Blog Posts

Committees may publish 3 blog posts per year. If your committee is interested in creating a blog post, submit a proposal to communications manager Noah Cline at including the topic of the blog post you’d like to write and any other pertinent information. After your proposal is submitted, you will receive an email about next steps. If approved, your blog post will be placed into a publication schedule prepared by the staff. If you have a desired timeline in mind for your blog post (for example, if it’s tied to an event or deadline), be sure to submit your proposal well in advance.

Committee Videos

Committees may produce 4 videos per year. If your committee is interested in creating a video, submit a proposal to communications manager Noah Cline at The proposal should include:

  • The topic of the video you’d like to create
  • The structure/format of the video (Would this be an interview? One person talking? Etc.)
  • Proposed length of the video
  • Any other pertinent information

After your proposal is submitted, you will receive an email about next steps.

Any approved videos produced by the committee will need to be submitted as finished products, with all editing, title cards, etc., completed by the committee.

Videos will be posted on the committee web page. If the committee doesn’t have a web page but wishes to produce a video, a committee web page will need to be created.

Your video will be placed into a publication schedule prepared by the staff. If you have a desired timeline in mind for your video, be sure to submit your proposal well in advance.

Presentation and promotion of the video, including thumbnail image, descriptive copy, etc., will be determined by staff. If a committee has an image it would like to propose be used as a thumbnail, it may be submitted as a suggestion.

A note about promotion: Any official NFA promotion of committee activities (including social media posts and NFA Weekly mentions) will be determined and executed by NFA staff.