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NFA Committees

The National Flute Association has always functioned through inclusiveness and member participation. From the very beginning, NFA committees have played a critical role in guiding the organization’s mission and policies. Over the years, members have founded a great depth and breadth of committees, following their own passions and seeking to move the NFA and greater flute community forward.

NFA committees perform many functions: highlight less prominent areas of flute musicianship, such as low and Baroque flutes, provide pedagogical guidance, and more. The hard work and dedication of these groups enabled the NFA to establish many core parts of its mission and traditions, from commissioning new music and creating scholarships and competitions to fostering the careers of young flutists.

In these pages, learn more about the work of NFA committees and browse the resources these groups have put together for the benefit of the flute community.

To learn more about a committee, or to explore how you might get involved, please contact the committee chair. Contact information can be found on the appointee roster.


Adult Flutist and Amateur Resources

The Adult Flutist and Amateur Resources Committee is responsible for the development of programs and resources to support amateurs and enthusiasts in the flute community. In addition to hosting the Flute Lover’s Luncheon at the convention, the committee also sponsors the Adult Amateur Flute Choir, an annual event since 2017 and an open masterclass for adult amateurs.

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Archives and Oral History

Formed in 1992 under the leadership of Nancy Toff, the Archives and Oral History Committee creates and maintains an historical collection of significant figures in NFA history, flutists, and flutemakers.

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Career and Artistic Development

The Career and Artistic Development Committee is responsible for providing artistic and professional guidance and facilitating access to information about career resources for all NFA members. The CAD committee also sponsors the biennial NFA C.R.E.A.T.E. Project Competition. Established in 2014, this unique competition seeks to reward and encourage new thinking and viable, innovative ideas with a seed grant.

Commercial Members

The Commercial Members Committee works with NFA staff, the board, commercial members, and exhibitors to facilitate communication, solve problems, and create an optimal exhibit hall experience for all convention attendees.

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The Development committee serves as liaison between NFA members and the Board of Directors on subjects related to gifts and charitable bequests. The committee works with the Executive Director and the Board of Directors on contributing to and/or developing a plan that will set fundraising goals and policies and implement best practices.

Editorial Advisory Board

Members of The Flutist Quarterly Editorial Advisory Board assist the Publications Director regarding the magazine’s content, particularly its scholarly feature articles.

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Chaired by the NFA Treasurer, the Finance Committee works with the Executive Director to develop and maintain an annual budget. Meeting monthly on average, this committee also ensures that the organization is in compliance with financial policies pursuant to non-profit status.


Flute Clubs

The Flute Clubs Committee maintains a list of local flute clubs and choirs, compiles a list of regional festivals, and collects and edits articles for The Flutist Quarterly. The committee serves as a liaison between regional flute clubs and the National Flute Association, strengthening the connection between the groups.

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Flute Research

The Flute Research Committee promotes and empowers research into all aspects of the flute through competition, web resources, presentations, events, and publications. This committee also oversees the Biennial Graduate Research competition (held in even years).

Global Flutes

The goals of the Global Flutes Committee are, first, to inform and educate the NFA membership regarding traditional flutes from around the world and the cultural and musical traditions that surround them; and, second, to facilitate and promote performances, presentations, and journal articles by traditional flutists and other experts.

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Historical Flutes

The Historical Flutes Committee advocates for early flute participation and support within the NFA. The committee assists Program Chairs concerning events that feature historical flutes in the areas of programming, logistics/securing harpsichords and harpsichordists, and headliner historical flutist performers.


The Idea Committee strives to engage and celebrate flutists of all walks of life with creative platforms and opportunities that enhance belonging, awareness, and understanding across the gamut of global and historical flute experiences. We aim to honor freedom of expression, ideals of citizenry, and civility of discourse as fundamental to personal, professional, and organizational growth.

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International Liaison

Representing a wide array of countries, this committee facilitates opportunities for international members to connect at the convention as well as throughout the globe year round. Additionally, it assists in the promotion of the biennial Myrna Brown International Scholarship (occurring in odd years).


For more than a decade, the Jazz Committee has worked to increase the presence and quality of jazz flute education and performance within the NFA community at the conventions and through publications.

Low Flutes

Since 2010, the Low Flutes Committee has facilitated convention activities specializing in low flutes such as the Low Flutes Ensemble and the low flutes resources page on the NFA website. The committee also solicits and submits articles to be considered for publication in The Flutist Quarterly.


The Membership Committee works with the membership manager to initiate and execute new ways to increase NFA membership by developing and recommending new member benefits and resources.


New Music Advisory

The New Music Advisory Committee initiates and oversees commission projects for the National Flute Association. This includes annual commissions for the Young Artist Competition and the High School Soloist Competition as well as special project commissions. The committee’s work has led to the creation of more than 60 new pieces since 1986.

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The Nominating Committee provides recommendations to the NFA board on candidates for NFA officers, board members, and Program Chair nominees. Appointed by the Vice President, the committee changes annually to ensure a diverse pool of participants and representation within the organization. To recommend someone for involvement click the link below.

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Past Presidents Council

The Past Presidents Council, consisting of all past NFA presidents who are interested in serving, meets annually at the convention and provides an ongoing sounding board and resource for the NFA board.

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The NFA Pedagogy Committee was formed to assist teachers of the flute at all levels in their quest for pedagogical excellence. To that end, the Pedagogy Committee has sponsored the publication of scholarly documents, including The Flutist’s Guide: A Pedagogy Anthology, Vol. 1, 1998 and Vol. 2, 2012, as well as a series of graded repertoire and studies guides (published 2001, 2005, and 2009). The committee also strives to present a variety of informative and inspirational sessions at the annual convention. In recent years, the committee has instituted a Teachers’ Breakfast and High School Masterclass; both have become flagship pedagogical sessions held each year.

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Performance Health Care

The Performance Health Care Committee works to ensure the presence of discussions about and resources for performance health-related issues of flutists of all ages and abilities.


The Piccolo Committee is charged with creating awareness of and visibility for the piccolo, both by promoting performance and presentation events and by commissioning new works for the piccolo.

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The Research Committee serves to promote the value of research, elevate the level of scholarly writing among flute professionals, encourage the creation of new scholarly work to benefit the profession, and expose new and important scholarly work to an interested audience. This committee also oversees and adjudicates the annual Graduate Research Competition.

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Special Publications

The purpose of the Special Publications Committee is to solicit and consider proposals for possible projects to be funded and sold by the NFA. The committee is responsible for making proposals to the board and following projects through to completion.

Youth Engagement

The Youth Engagement Committee focuses primarily on creating opportunities for pre-college NFA members. As an annual portion of the convention, Youth Flute Day offers a series of interactive opportunities specifically for flutists age 9-18 (and their parent/guardian) to experience the convention.