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Competition Winners

By Year

Past winners of NFA competitions have gone on from NFA high school, college, and professional competitions to positions in the nation’s leading orchestras, chamber ensembles, and conservatories.


Adult Amateur Flutist Competition

Advanced: Lindsay Brillson
Intermediate: John Nguyen
Novice: Sadie Hewitt

Baroque Flute Artist Competition

1st Place: Aimee Taylor
2nd Place: Ellen Sauer Tanyeri
3rd Place: Evan Fraser

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Charis Ballard
Laura Barba
Ashley Blueyes
Audrey Boling
Sarah Cahoe
Anna Chong
Jazmine Dearlove
Emily Diaz
Madison Franklin
Lucinda Gatesman
Charlie Grady
Rebekah Holladay
Christine Holley
Priscilla La
Kaitlyn Maresca
Cameron McGill
Javier Metzti Marquez
Grace Morrison
Doryann Mueller
Ananya Navale
Ashley Negrete
Grace Playstead
Hayden Purser
Sara Reeves
Jaishon Robinson
Emmanuel Rodriguez
Shane Salinas
Brett Stafford
Olivia Weil
Tyree Wilson
Abigail Wobber

Convention Performers Competition

Yoon Jung Huh
Miao Liu
Andrea Artley

C.R.E.A.T.E. Project Competition

Dulce Rodriguez, Flute Fiesta

Flute Choir Call for Scores Competition

Kari Medina, Selkies

Graduate Research Competition

Roya Farzaneh, An Annotated Bibliography of Flute Repertoire by Iranian Female Composers

High School Flute Choir Competition

James Bufkin
Natalia Carmona
Rosemary Chen
Angela Chen
McKenzie Duncan
Bohyun Sean Han
Alice Hu
Asher Komor
Andrew Kosturi
Wesley Lim
Lila Lindeen
Yvonne Miceler
Sofia Morales-Apodaca
Maia Nemes
Dominic Nguyen
Ayla Rodgers
Robert Rosenthal
Albert ""AJ"" Schmidt
Rhys Vander Kelen
Jessica Wang
Meiya Xiong
Alina Zhou

High Soloist Competition

1st Place: Eunah Kim
2nd Place: Jundi Jia
3rd Place: Kara Ravaschieri

Deveau Scholarship for Best Performance of NFA Commissioned Work: Eunah Kim

The following performers were selected to perform in a masterclass at the convention:
Charlotte Choi
Michelle Sun
Alina Zhou

Jazz Artist Competition

1st Place: Kana Miyamoto
2nd Place: Joaquin Bonilla
3rd Place: Kenthaney Redmond

Junior Soloist Competition

1st Place: Xu Minkai
2nd Place: Yige Zhou
3rd Place: Sophie Dong

The following performers were selected to perform in a masterclass at the convention:
Sophie Dong
Nirujen Manoharan
Umi Shirai da Costa

Masterclass Performers Competition

Instructors: Marianne Gedigian & Hyeri Yoon

Dylan Abbott
Celia Kang
Kiana Fatemifar
Alyssa Santivanez
Joeli Schilling
Derek Smilowski

Orchestral Audition & Masterclass Competition

1st Place: Rebecca Huynh
2nd Place: Maya Stock
3rd Place: Laura Lin

Piccolo Artist Competition

1st Place: Elizabeth Salerno
2nd Place: Erica Vogel
3rd Place: Ana Mondejar

Best Performance of the NFA Commissioned Work: Elizabeth Salerno

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Linda Bailey
Alexandra Barbato
Lindsay Bartlett
Traci Bluhm
Bonnie Cochran
Rachel L. Decker
Judy Diez d'Aux
Regina Dill

Kiana Fatemifar
Kae George
Debbie Gilbert
Laura Gustavsen
Mallory Harrison
Frankie Jacquette
Krista Jobson
Elizabeth Jolly

Kristen Kean
Greg Lucero
Donna Moore
Miriam Nussbaum
Nathan Painter
Belen Palos Tuley
Cassandra Sanchez
Hilary Shepard

Rebecca Sims
Lucille Snell
Erin Vivero
Tony Watson
Anne Weaver

Young Artist Competition

1st Place: Sophia Jean
2nd Place: Elise Kim
3rd Place: Madison Booth

Best Performance of the NFA Commissioned Work: Sophia Jean


Adult Amateur Flutist Competition

Nathan Painter
André Solomon

Baroque Flute Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Joanna Marsden

Stephanie Rempel
Jessica Schury
Leonor Snow

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Paige Andree
Katherine Beatty
Sabrina Bleile
Emily Edwards
Stefany Flota
Nikkie Galindo
Araci Garcia
Aubrey Garretson
Charlie Grady
Olivia Guthier
Stephanie Hernandez
Alyssa Jones
Brooke Jordan
Nicole Laborie
Chelsea Liu
Jesus Lugo
Lucas Meinberg
Nhien Nguyen
Elizabeth Nilles
Anna O'Malley
Jonathan Oldham
Taylor Pastore
Keilie Perry
Italee Philom
Sarah Potts
Megan Rasmussen
Zachary Tucker
Aukje van Panthaleon van Eck
Johnathan Vance
America Vasquez
Briaunna Young
Jakob Young

Convention Performers Competition

Alicia Kosack
Emily Stanek
Christina Webster

Flute Choir Call for Scores Competition

Winner: Phoebe Pylant, Caged Birds
Honorable Mention: Brian Story, Tellus Aves

Graduate Research Competition

Mehrdad Gholami, Iranian Contemporary Flute Music: An Analysis of Kouchyar Shahroudi’s Dances Mystiques (2017) and Kiawasch SahebNassagh’s Amusie (2018) for flute and piano

Jillian Storey, Social Practice Methods in the Applied Flute Studio 

High School Flute Choir Competition

Zea Boyle
Yixuan (Vanessa) Chen
Manami Chiba
Charlotte Choi
Ryder Day
Serena Gao
Lilia Gawinski
Rachel Guhathakurta
Maya Harris
Abigail Johnson
Abhilash Katuru
Vishal Kumar
Lina Lin
Lila Lindeen
Lydia Liu
Marley Logan
Yvonne Miceler
Dominic Perry
Mahati Ramakrishnan
Jacob Rubin
Sara Srinivasan
Meiya Xiong
Andy Yin
Sophie Zhang

High School Soloist Competition

1st Place: Julin Cheung*
2nd Place: Stephanie Kim
3rd Place: Sooah Jeon

*Best Performance of the Newly Commissioned Work

Jazz Flute Big Band Competition

Michael Abresch
Alexandra Aguirre
Iona Aibel
Shelley Atchison
Nathaniel Berman
Elizabeth Blackledge
Marie-Véronique Bourque
Susan Crane
Dayna Dawson
Judy Diez d'Aux
Haruna Fukazawa
Michele Gordon
Lynda Harman
Frida Hidalgo Mancillas
Elaine Hochheiser
Gwyn E. Jones
Ruth Kasckow
Norma Kelsey
Yuki Kitazawa
Melvin Lam
Lawrence H. Liggins
Mary E. Longsdorf
Alex Lui
Jane M Hahn
Carol Mellis
Alice Mullins
Bianca Najera
Nancy Newman
Kenneth Powell
Matt Riley
Donna Sevcovic
Mahoko Tsukamoto
Betty Whyte

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Mike Mower

Joaquin Bonilla
Al Hunter Jr.
Paige Jackson

Junior Soloist Competition

1st place: Yilin Zhang
2nd place: Chujian Zhao
3rd place: Nirujen Manoharan

Masterclass Performers Competition

Instructors: Carol Wincenc and Giovanni Perez

Ana Clark
Caleb J. Estrada-Valentin
Helen Freeman
Genevieve Hahn
Allyson Kreider
Rachel Reyes


Newly Published Music Competition

Concerto by Amanda Harberg, Theodore Presser
Mnicakmun Sounds of Water by William Linthicum-Blackhorse, ALRY Publications

En el Centro del Mundo y el Tiempo by Leonardo Cárdenas Palacios, Cayambis Music Press
Hiraeth by Peter Senchuk, Forest Glade Music Publishing

Glass Ceilings by Claudia Anderson, ALRY Publications

Flight by Adolphus Hailstork, Theodore Presser
Don’t Forget to Write by Amanda Harberg, Theodore Presser

Fever Dreams for three piccolos and piano by Amanda Harberg, Theodore Presser
Flammerole for piccolo and piano by Sophie Dufeutrelle, ALRY Publications

Archangels for three flutes by Stacy Garrop, Theodore Presser
Intuition for two flutes by Samuel Zyman, Theodore Presser

Fresh Air for flute, violin and piano by Gary Schocker, ALRY Publications
Have Flute, Will Travel for two flutes and piano by Gary Schocker,  ALRY Publications

Summer Breeze by Katrina Emtage, Tetractys Publishing

A Bird’s Tale on a Saturday by Anže Rozman, ALRY Publications
Flights of Passage by Judy Nishimura, ALRY Publications

Subduction by Jonathan Cohen, Tetractys Publishing

Five by Five by Geoff Warren, Forton Music

Key West Suite for flute and guitar by Jose Manuel Lezcano, ALRY Publications

Staring at Stars for alto flute and bassoon by David Bennett Thomas, Tetractys Publishing

Estavrosan for flute, bass clarinet, violin, cello and piano by Sungji Hong, Tectractys Publishing

The Electric Flute by Melissa Keeling, Honeyheart Music

Orchestral Audition & Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Aralee Dorough

1st place: Ivo Shin de Souza
2nd place: Emily DeNucci
3rd place: Angelina Lim

Piccolo Orchestral Audition & Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Amal Gochenour

1st place: Erica Vogel
2nd place: Lucy Song
3rd place: Andrea Velasquez

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Linda Bailey
Laura Benning
Traci Bluhm
Bonnie Cochran
Rachel L. Decker
Joanne Gaul
Debbie Gilbert
Laura Gustavsen
Lynda Harman
Alexandra Hine
Alycia Hugo
Hal Ide
Elizabeth Jolly
Stephanie J. Kolokotroni Jones
Julie McDonald
Dorli McWayne
Donna Moore
Miriam Nussbaum
Belen Palos-Tuley
Stephanie Pizza
Debra C. Schild
Hilary Shepard
Diana Sipes
Nancy S. Sowers
Linda Watkins
Tony Watson

Young Artist Competition

1st place: David Silva
2nd place: Elvin Schlanger
3rd place: Claire Gunsbury*

*Best performance of the newly commissioned work


Adult Amateur Flutist Competition

Carl Gutowski
Rebecca Sayles

Alto Flute Artist Competition

1st place: Sam Williams
2nd place: Alicia Kosack
3rd place: Jocelyn Crosby

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Brigid Anderson
Laura Barba
Joshua Benitez
Joseph Boyce
Nadia Burgess
Katelyn Cermak
Stephanie Chuang
James Collier
Caroline Deitch
Ethan Dempsey
Stefany Flota
Alison Gauvreau
Katheryn George
Charlie Grady
Juan Hernandez
Kalliopi Katsiris
Lindsey Kovach
Andriy Lassowsky
Julia Leone
Cassie Lipton
Kat Mason
Anna O'Malley
Grace Playstead
Hugo Romero
Gino Rimanelli
Lucas Schaefer
Kendall Stenseth
Nichole Thompson
Naomi Tomko
Heather Van Dommelen
America Vasquez
Briana Vidal
Sydney Weiler
Kaleigh Wills

Convention Performers Competition

Roya Farzaneh
Kim Fleuchaus
Victoria A Hauk
Timothy Mullins
Jessie Nucho

C.R.E.A.T.E Project Competition

Emlyn Johnson - Wild Imagination: The Magic of Musical Storytelling

Flute Choir Call for Scores Competition

1st place: Jeremy Umlauf, Colibri
2nd place: Quinn Mason, 12/13/14
Honorable Mention: James Kachulis, Three Mediterranean Portraits

Graduate Research Competition

Culturally Informed Performance Practice in Iranian Musical Contexts: An Analysis and Performance Guide to the Dastgah-Maqam System in the Flute Music of Reza Vali
Marie Heinrich

A Pedagogical Guide to the Piccolo Focusing on Intonation with 39 Original Etudes
Stephanie Lupo

High School Flute Choir Competition

Daniel Arakaki
Gianna Baker
Erin Chae
Manami Chiba
Thomas Chung
Kaitlyn Dotson
Sydney Feldman
Katlyn Frazier
Kasen Korstanje
Andrew Lee
Zoe Lin
Cadence Liu
Keith McGill
Rachel Newman
Samuel Ross
Aubrey Sanders
Lilly Walz
Sophia Wang
Yu Xiao
Audrey Yan
Andy Yin

High School Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Tadeo Coelho

Elizabeth Hebing
Sophia Wang
Audrey Yan

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes the Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

1st place: Macy Gong*
2nd place: Destina Sarussi
3rd place: Ayne Park

Jazz Artist Competition

1st place: Sheila del Bosque Fuentes
2nd place: Leszek Wisniowski
3rd place: Joe Anderies

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Marc Adler

Bryan Kennard
Kana Miyamoto
Teresa Sandragorsian

Junior Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Julee Kim Walker

Catherine Hu
Ashley Kim
Shalom Lee

Junior Soloist Competition

1st place: Stephanie Kim
2nd place: Nikka Gershman-Pepper
3rd place: Oriana Huang

Masterclass Performers Competition

Instructors: Bonita Boyd and Alena Walentin

Octavia Barbulescu
Molly Damitio
Daniel Esperante
Kamryn Lindley
John Nguyen
Caroline Reynolds

Newly Published Music Competition

Hall of Ghosts by Amanda Harberg, Theodore Presser Co.

Flute Zoo by Blocki, Blocki Flute Method, LLC
Infinity Circular Breathing Course Book by Jarzabek/Swiztek-Zelanza, PCMA

12 Fantasias by Telemann/Garrison, Theodore Presser Co.
12 Contemporary Works for flute alone Assorted/Edited by Henry Gale, ACA

The Flight of the Brave Chicken: Ode to Nina by Ran, Theodore Presser Co.
Alemana Latina by J.S. Bach arr. Gaspar Hoyos, Tetractys

Sussex Suite by Alexandra Lehmann, Forton
12 Duets of Christmas by Gary Schocker, Theodore Presser Co.

Cinq Bagatelles by Caterede/du Toit, ALRY

Sonata for Flute and Piano by Ginste, Metropolis
Aegean Whispers for Flute and Piano Op.4 No.3 by Turgay, Yayinlari

Concerto No.1 by Zyman, Theodore Presser Co.
Jazz Concertino by Senchuk, Forest Glade Music Publishing

To a Crow by Sophie Pope, Tetractys
I Will not be Sad in this World by Eve Beglarian, Theodore Presser Co.

Breaking Glass by Chamberlain, Spotted Rocket
Carnival Overture, Op. 92 by Dvorak/Ben-Meir, Megido

Divertimento a Quattro by Castérède, ed. Du Toit, ALRY
5 Poems by Frias by Leroy Osmon, ALRY

Ballade for Alto Flute, Flugelhorn, and Piano by Dorff, Theodore Presser Co.

Basilica Deserta by Dehnhard, Universal Edition

Cat and Mouse by Lutz, ALRY
Bisbiglio by Sungji Hong, Tetractys

Seis Piezas Populares by Daniel Oropeza, Cayambis Music
Four Encore Pieces by Cecile Chaminade arr. Peter Merry, Forton

Orchestral Audition & Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Kersten McCall

1st place: Alyssa Primeau
2nd place: Sam Williams
3rd place: Lucy Song

Piccolo Artist Competition

*Denotes the Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

1st place: Ester Esteban Solana*
2nd place: Sarah Miller
3rd place: Erica Vogel

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Linda Bailey
Vicki Bell
Paula Bekker Draper
Judy Diez d'Aux
Rachel Decker
Ninfa Garcia
Rachel Taylor Geier
Debbie Gilbert
Laura Gustavsen
Krista Jobson
Elizabeth Jolly
Sydnee Stein Lalwani
Julie McDonald
Alison Mossey
Miriam Nussbaum
Debra Schild
Virginia Shingleton
Diana Sipes
Marla Snyder
Nancy Sowers
Erin Vivero
Wendy Willis

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes the Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

1st place: Gregory Bardwell
2nd place: Elizabeth Lu*
3rd place: Ann Kuo



Adult Amateur Flutist Competition

Miriam Nussbaum
Jane Sandstrom

Baroque Flute Artist Competition

Gabrielle Rubio
Ellen Sauer
Thomas Reyna

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Karlynn Baker
Riley Bender
Ariel Collins
Molly Damitio
Anna Fenn
John Goodson
Nicole Laborie
Mariah Manolatos
Ren Mattson
Colleen McCracken
Aliza Nogueras
Taylor R Rook
Kaylee Smith
Amanda Welch
Erica Wilkins

Convention Performers Competition

Martin Godoy
Dariya Nikolenko
Tammara Phillips

Flute Choir Call for Scores

Cole Reyes - Do Not Disturb

Honorable Mention:
Lenia Bolano - Spider Web

Graduate Research Competition

Finding Messiaen’s Blackbird
Alexandra Aguirre
University of Northern Colorado

High School Flute Choir Competition

Lorien Britt
Alexis Cai
Avery Chen
Eujin Chung
Vivien Jia
Audrey Lawrence
Ivy Liang
Lydia Liu
Ananya Navale
Akshara Sankar
Isabella Tang
Lilly Walz
Holly Zhao

High School Masterclass Competition

Ellen Cheng
Carolyn Lau
Abigail Middaugh

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes the Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Xiaoxi Li
Emily DeNucci*
Choyi Lee

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Flute Big Band Competition

Michael Abresch
Joe Anderies
Gail Blackburn
Francesca Bottero
Marie-Véronique Bourque
Betsy Braud
Erica Bruner
Gene Coleman
Erin Doyle
Haruna Fukazawa
Michele Gordon
Lynda Harman
Jocelyn Olivia Hatzl
Frida Hidalgo Mancillas
Elaine Hochheiser 
Owen Imhof
Gwyn Jones
Michiko Kadoya
Norma Kelsey
Yuki Kitazawa
Samantha Kochis
Yuko Kurihara
Alex Lui
Alice Mullins
Sanae Nakayama
Bianca Najera
Yuko Okubo
Talia Phillips-Ortega
Donna Sevcovic
Debra Stombres
Megan Trach
Melanie Valencia
Betty Whyte
Beth Williams

Junior Soloist Competition

Reina Shim
Grace Kim
Stephanie Kim

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

Dominic Baldoni
Marah Christenson 
Collin Stavinoha

Newly Published Music Competition

Embraceable Lenny, A. Cavicchi, ALRY Publications

24 Melodious Warm-Ups, Joan Sparks, Theodore Presser

Amhran na hEascainne, Sarah Bassingthwaite, ALRY

Yuhwa, Adolphus Hailstork, Presse

Trio Sonata no. 5, JS Bach, arr. Walker, ALRY

Trio no. 1 in E minor, op. 86, Friedrich Kuhlau, ed. Matt Johnson, ALRY

Los Caballos, Gay Kahkonen, ALRY

Sonata for Flute and Piano Op. 6, Jin Ta Mongol, Tu&Du

Sonata in D Major, Johann Gottfried Müthel, ALRY

Flute Obbligatos, J. S. Bach, Arr. Elizabeth Parry and John Alley, Aura Capra Editions

The Passage of Time, Jonathan Slade, AureaCapra Editions

Leaves, Lisa Bost-Sandberg, Chromaworks Press

Bocanada: Rhapsody for Ten Musicians, León Sosa, ALRY

El Aya, N. Velarde, Cayambis/ALRY

Ballade for alto flute, bass flute, and piano, Daniel Dorff, Theodore Presser

Dancing Dessert Suite for low flute choir, Paige Dashner-Long, ALRY

The Planets Re-Imagined, Various, Forton Music

Prayer for Flute Choir, Harp, and Percussion, Amanda Harbeg, Theodore Presser

Gavota, M.M. Ponce, arr. H.J. Rodriguez, ALRY

Q for Quarantined Flute Choir, Sarah Bassingthwaighte, ALRY

Valse di Bravura: 2 flutes and orchestra, F. and K. Doppler, J. Letto, ALRY

Axis Mundi, Robert Anton Strobel, Forton Music

Orchestral Audition & Masterclass Competition

Abby Easterling
Tyler Martin
Hae Jee (Ashley) Cho

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Orchestral Audition & Masterclass Competition

Sarah Miller
Samuel Williams
Ka Wing Wong

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Gail Blackburn
Traci Bluhm
Bonnie Cochran
Haruna Fukazawa
Meagan Gaskill
Debbie Gilbert
Genevieve Hahn
Ryan MacDonald
Maria Ramey
Amanda Sage
Debra Schild
Lucille Snell
Sydnee Stein
Aimee Toner
Madeleine Wilmsen

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Dominique Kim
Peiyao Cheng*
Hayley Grainger

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Masterclass Competition

The winners of the 2020 competition were invited to perform during the 2021 convention.

Nayoung Ham
Emma Mellinger
Eva Skanse

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

The winners of the 2020 competition were invited to perform during the 2021 convention.

McKayla Clements
Savannah Ekrut
Samantha Graham
Elizabeth Hertzberg
Elisabeth Holley
Cindy Kaiser
Nicole Kammer
Samantha Kochis
John Nguyen
Frances Orteza
Katelyn P. Popp
Joseph Posler
Sarah Potts
Kaitlyn Suttles
Anabel Torres
Emily Warren

Convention Performers Competition

Bonnie Cochran
Tia Jaynes
Carmen Lemoine
Emily Stanek
Julie Kay Williams

C.R.E.A.T.E. Project Competition

The finalists competed in a final round during the 2021 NFA Convention

Adrienne Read with Ensemble 126

Flute Choir Call for Scores

The winning 2020 composition was performed by an NFA Flute Choir at the 2021 convention.

Jonathan Cohen - Blueshift Red

Graduate Research Competition

The Modern Twig: Extended Techniques for Piccolo
Gillian Sheppard
University of Toronto

Examining Musical Hybridity and Cultural Influences in Valerie Coleman’s Wish Sonatine and Fanmi Imèn
Brittany Trotter
West Virginia University

High School Flute Choir Competition

The winners of the 2020 competition were invited to perform during the 2021 convention.

Sungeun Bang
Mamata Bhangale
Lorien Britt
Beneditto Caroccio
Cate Collard
Eileen Hung
Ella Hursh
Seohyun Kim
Olivia O’Brien
Lauren Radeschi
Anny Shi
Crystal Suk
Smrithi Upadhyayula
Audrey Yan
Joyce Zhu

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of Commissioned Work

Delia Zaleski
Erica Wang*
Xiaoxi Li

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Artist Competition

The finalists performed in a final round during the 2021 NFA Convention

Joseph Melnicove
Dominique Gagne
Lukasz Jankowski

1st Place
2nd Place
2nd Place

Junior Soloist Competition

Sooah Jeon
Ayne Park
Macy Gong

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

The winners of the 2020 competition were invited to perform during the 2021 convention.
Dana Crytser
Daniel Fletcher
Elise Kim
Anna Murphy
Natalie Smith
Steven Wu

Newly Published Music Competition

Two Skazkas, Lora Al-Ahmad, Theodore Presser Company

Cigány Könnyek, P. Brent Register, ALRY Publications

Sonata in Sol Minore L.140, Claude Debussy, arranged by Mario Caroli, Riverberi Sonori

Reflexiones Españolas for flute, guitar, strings, and percussion, P. Brent Register, ALRY Publications

Fantomas, Eugene Magalif, ALRY Publications

A Night at the Opera: Famous Opera Arias, Various composers, arranged by Elisabeth Parry and John Alley, Aurea Capra Editions

Leaves, Timothy Hagen, Owl Glass Music

Seafarers, Gary Schocker, Theodore Presser Company

Spy!, G. Kahkonen, ALRY Publications

For Love of Swans, Catherine McMichael, ALRY Publications

Perpetual Motions, Johann Strauss, Jr., arranged by Matt Johnston, ALRY Publications

Scenes from the High Prairie, Robert Anton Strobel, Forton Music

Salty for flute and b-flat clarinet, Nicole Chamberlain, Spotted Rocket

Silver Dagger for flute, cello, and piano, Stacy Garrop, Theodore Presser Company

Canyon Shadows, Katherine Hoover, Papagena Press

Eclipse 2017 Jackson Hole, Sarah Bassingthwaighte, ALRY Publications

Sonata, Amanda Harberg, Theodore Presser Company

Sonata No. 4, Gary Schocker, Theodore Presser Company

Sonata (Spirit of the Hudson) for bass flute and piano, Daniel Dorff, Theodore Presser Company

A Burns Flute Cycle for alto flute and guitar, Alexandra Lehmann, Forton Music

Rue Traversière: The Flute Way, Sophie Dufeutrelle (Taffanel and Gaubert), Éditions Alphonse Leduc

Sakura, Sakura Variations, Kazuko Stratmann, ALRY Publications

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Aaron Rib
Drew Powell
Chaz Salazar

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece
The finalists performed in a final round during the 2021 convention

Jona Venturi
Sarah Miller*
Rebecca Tutunick

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

The winners of the 2020 competition were invited to perform during the 2021 convention.

Linda Bailey
Paula Bekker
Laura Benning
Jodi Boeddeker
Laura Cooley
Judy Diez d'Aux
Emily Hutchinson
Hal Ide
Krista Jobson
Yoon Hee Kim
Lindsay Kimbley
Adrienne Read
Diana Sipes
Erin Vivero
Vincenzo Volpe 

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Yi Xiang*
Blair Francis Paponiu
Arin Sarkissian

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Alto Flute Artist Competition

Katherine Velasquez 
Nicolas Buonanni
Jerca Novak

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Madison Booth
Kayla Bradley
Jeffrey Chapman
Bethany Christensen
Elizabeth Church
Isabella Cisneros
Maria Crowley
Sarah Curtiss
Marlen Diaz
Julia Escobar 
Alison Gauvreau
Shauna Heisler
Hannah James
Samantha Kochis
Megan Lausch
Frances Orteza
Stephanie Pizza
Freddie Powell
Yein Ra
Taylor Rook
Jose Soto
Isabelle Spence
Brenna Wiinanen

Convention Performers Competition

Kristi Ballif
Alan Berquist
Chin-Fei Chan
Alice Collazo
Katie Mess

Flute Choir Composition Competition

Sin Young Park - One Day in November

Graduate Research Competition

Leonard Bernstein's Halil:  Serialism, Eclecticism, and Antagonism in the American Flute Concerto
Elsa Nichols
University of Arizona

L'Instrument during Reve:  An Analysis and Performance Guide to Selected Works for Flute by Nicolas Bacri
James Thompson
Ball State University

High School Flute Choir Competition

Gabriel Canonizado
Lauren Chen
Phoebe Chen
Ashley Fang
Abby Grace
Sandra Hernandez
Mia Heron
Joanna Hsieh
Kimberly Kerr
Sheen Kim
Andrew Liu
Colleen McCracken
Emil Pellett
Sarah Phillips
Grace Pupkiewicz
Laura Rodriguez
Vicky Su
Heather Swartz
Seehanah Tang
Smrithi Upadhyayula
Julia Zielke

High School Masterclass Competition

Jooeun Lee
Audrey Yang 

High School Soloist Competition

Nadira Novruzov 
Enya Zhang
Xiaoxi Li 

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Flute Big Band Audition

Ixchel Betancourt
Gene Coleman
Haruna Fukazawa
Michele Gordon
Lynda Harman
Jocelyn Hatzl
Elizabeth Hodnett
Dina Hollingsworth
Yuko Hoshi
Gwyn E. Jones
Norma Kelsey
Lawrence H. Liggins
Alex Lui
Kenneth Powell
Kaela Seltzer
Donna Sevcovic
Chip Shelton
Dotti Anita Taylor

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

Jocelyn Hatzl
Dina Hollingsworth
Kaela Seltzer

Masterclass Performers Competition

Greg Bardwell
Lydia Carroll
Bethany Christensen
Rebecca Park
Brenn Parker
Brynna Paros

Newly Published Music Competition

Paths of Deeper Gold
Alexandra Molnar-Suhajda
ALRY Publications

La Bruja Llorona
Rubén Flores
ALRY Publications

Seaside Suite
Martha Stoddard
Tetractys Publishing

Dances of the Cygnets
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, arranged by Bruce Smith
BRS Music, Inc.

Carter Pann
Theodore Presser Company

Daniel Dorff
Theodore Presser Company

American Suite in A Major, Op. 98
Antonín Dvořák, arranged by Robert Stallman
Carl Fischer

The Paris Conservatory Flute Album
Various Composers, arranged by Nancy Andrew
Southern Music

Telemann for Two
Georg Philipp Telemann, arranged by Sharon Sparrow and Jeffrey Zook
Theodore Presser Company

Klezmer Flute Duets
Traditional, arranged by Michael Losch
Universal Edition

The Flute Audition Book: The New Essential Companion
Henrik Wiese
Universal Edition

The Flutist's Handbook
Robert Stallman
Carl Fischer

The Blue Plate for Flute, French Horn, and Piano
Nicole Chamberlain
Spotted Rocket

L'Encore for Flute, Clarinet, and Piano
Victor Herbert, arranged by Matt Johnson
ALRY Publications

An Emily Dickinson Suite for Flute and Harp
Richard White
Whitco Press

Salone del Astor for Flute and Vibraphone
Louis Anthony deLise
ALRY Publications

Unsung Chordata for Flute, B-flat Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Percussion, and Piano
Melinda Wagner
Theodore Presser Company

Airspace for Flute, Oboe, B-flat Clarinet, and Piano
Gary Schocker
Theodore Presser Company

Wind Quintet
David Baker
Forton Music

We Are Determined for Bass Flute, Narrator, and Drone
Nathan James Dearden
Tetractys Publishing

The Storyteller, Op. 203 for Alto Flute
Nickos Harizanos
Tetractys Publishing

Metropolitan Contrarians - Quartet for Contrabass Flutes
Jonathan Cohen
Tetractys Publishing

Tango Molto Basso
Jonathan Cohen
Tetractys Publishing

And Burn Like the Bird into Eternity
Liljia Maria Asmundsdottir
Tetractys Publishing

I'm Not Connected to Anything
Micah Hayes
ALRY Publications

Chants for Unaccompanied Flute
Alfredo del Monaco
Cayambis Music Press

Drie Monologen
August Verbesselt
Metropolis Music Publishers

Jean-Marie LeClair, arranged by Elizabeth Walker
ALRY Publications

Concerto in E Minor for Piccolo, Flute, and Piano in E minor
Georg Philipp Telemann, arranged by Zart Dombourian-Eby and Valerie Shields
Theodore Presser Company

One Ann Arbor Morn
Jonathan Cohen
Falls House Press

Trio Sonata
John La Montaine
Fredonia Press

Flute Fanfare
Liz Sharma
Forton Music

Night Thoughts
Charles DeLaney
ALRY Publications

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Won Lee
Catherine Baker 
Joo Yun Chung

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Abigail Puckett
Sarah Meidel
Heidi Keener

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Jennifer Amox
Linda Bailey
Andrea Burger
Bonnie Cochran
Rachel Decker
Judy Diez d’Aux
Kathryn Eagles
Yu Fujii
Joanne Gaul
Debbie Gilbert
Ricardo Gonzales
Paula Hartsough
Virginia Hudson
Hal Ide
Rose Johnson
Michael Mantz
Erika Martinez
Brittni McDonald
Julie McDonald
Dorli McWayne
Alison Mossey
Giovanni Perez
Caitlin Rose
Lucille Snell
Sydnee Stein
David Tickton

Young Artist Competition 

Antonina Styczen
Denis Savelyev
Won Lee

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Artist Competition

Yasuka Yoshizaki
Evgeniya  Ivanova-Dyatlova
Tomoko Nakama
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Greg Bardwell
Christine Barham
Ben Carlee
Kayla Cieslak
Sydney Eastman
Adrienne Havelka
Heather Havens
Amile Honstein
Stephanie Izaguirre
Joycelyn Jackson
Alice Judy
Nicole Kammer
Floria Kim
Jordan Lilly
Alysabeth Longoria
Brianna Martinez
Monica Martinez
Lilly Mauti
Frances Orteza
Katie Riley
Luz Romero
Gaby Salinas
Sage Tichenor
Katherine Weldon

Convention Performers Competition

Nicholas Buonanni
Abigail Graham
Audra Ziegel

C.R.E.A.T.E. Project Competition (Arts Venture Competition)

LunART Festival

Flute Choir Composition Competition

Henry Bransdorfer - Something…

Graduate Research Competition

The Influences of the French School in Brazilian Pedagogy
Fabiana Dahmer
University of Southern Mississippi

The Flute in Transition: A Comparison of Extant Instruments circa 1650-1715
Kelly Nivison
Indiana University

High School Flute Choir Competition

Ishika Agrawal
Catherine Balsamo
Kaitlin Gaynor
Maximilian Goolsbey
Jahshanti Henry
Elisabeth Holley
Faith Joo
Darcy Kelley
Sheen Kim
Nicole Laborie
Audrey Lawrence
Hannah Lee
Karina Lee
Anna Li
Elisabeth Naider
Emil Pellett
Katherine Pitts
Sara Shen
Charlotte Strohl
Jennifer Su
Ananya Tadigadapa
Katheryn Uetz
Smrithi Upadhyayula
Deepti Vadhiyar
Katherine Whitney
Jessica Znaniecki

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Irene Kim
Laura Futamura*
Phoebe Rawn
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Artist Competition

Elsa Nilsson
Nilton Antonio Moreira
Alex Lui
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

Nicholas Buonanni
Katherine Grischow
Shawn Harris
Hannah Peterson
Tyler Shropshire
Euna Sim

Newly Published Music Competition

Full Moon Trio for flute, cello and piano
Blaž Pucihar
Pucihar Music

Five Duets for Two Flutes
Sadiel Cuentas
Cayambis Music Press

Trio, op. 65 for Flute in C, Alto Flute and Bass Flute
Ricardo Matosinhos
Scherzo Editions

Roger Derongé
United Music and Media Publishers

Alma for Alto Flute or Flute and Guitar or Piano
Tom Febonio
Forton Music

Il Giardino della Casa for Flute, Guitar and Projection
Antonio Gervasoni
Cayambis Music Press

Nicole Chamberlain
Spotted Rocket

Across the C’s
Adrienne Albert
Falls House Press

North Star Overture
Peter Senchuk
Forest Glade Music

Sonata for Flute and Basso Continuo (TWV 41:h4)
Georg Philipp Telemann, ed. Jochen Reutter, Susanne Schrage
Wiener Urtext Edition

Eric Ewazen
Theodore Presser

Garden of Iniquitous Creatures
Ned McGowan

Bedtime Stories
P. Brent Register
Jeanne Music Publications

Four Joplin Rags
Scott Joplin, ed. David Gilliland
Theodore Presser

Six Souvenirs
Robet Russell Bennett
Maurice River Press

The Continuing Adventures of Dexter the Danger Donkey
Greg Lutz
ALRY Publications

Three Spirituals
arr. Marietta Simpson, Evelyn Simpson-Curenton
Theodore Presser

#5 Letters to Wolfgang
Nuno Peixoto de Pinho
Scherzo Editions

Timothy Hagen
Owl Glass Music

Three Nonsense Songs
Liza Lehmann, Lewis Carroll, arr. Mel Orriss
Wonderful Winds

Astor Piazzolla, arr. Mel Orriss
Wonderful Winds

Pan et les Bergers for solo flute and flute choir
Jules Mouquet, arr. Matt Johnston
ALRY Publications

Tango Time for solo flute and flute choir
Ricky Lombardo
Lombardo Music Publications

House of Doors
Sarah Bassingthwaighte
ALRY Publications

Concerto for Flute
Eugene Magalif
ALRY Publications

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Nicholas Goodwin
Jeiran Hasan
Elizabeth Lu
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Heili Rosin
Marjolein Lemmens
Cinzia Zucchi
Maddilyn Goodwin*
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Linda Bailey
Laura Benning
Renae Block
Bonnie Cochran
Judy Diez d'Aux
Cassandra Eisenreich
Emily Engebretson
Debbie Gilbert
Virginia Hudson
Hal Ide
Taylor Irelan
Rose Johnson​
Kristen Kean
Lindsay Kimbley
Jessica Leeth
Rita Linard
Karl Lutgens
Julie McDonald
Dorli McWayne
Julie Meschko
Dan Parasky
Diana Sipes
Debra Stombres
Rachel Taylor Geier
David Tickton

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Catherine Winters Boyack
Marley Eder
Daniel Gallagher
Jessica Petrasek*
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Masterclass Competition

Rebecca Garfield
Gemma Goday Diaz Corralejo
Tammara Phillips

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Christine Barham
Lenia Bolano Herran
Julia Escobar
Jacob Farmer
Faith Galbraith
Meagan Gaskill
Ricardo Gil
Monica Gonzalez
Mikaela Hannon
Paula Hartsough
Amile Honstein
Abigail Huck
Sephanie Izaguirre
Alice Judy
Haeun Kim
Alysabeth Longoria
Timothy Mullins
Meadow Poplawsky
Lauren Reineking
Luz Romero
Brittany St. Pierre
Hannah Tobias
Vincenzo Volpe
Caitlin Wikel

Convention Performers Competition

Nicholas Buonanni
Gemma Goday Diaz Corralejo
Jiyoun Hur
Kristyn Son

Flute Choir Composition Competition

Nicole Chamberlain - Chivy

Graduate Research Competition

The Flute in Musical Life in Eighteenth-century Scotland
Elizabeth Cary Ford
University of Glasgow

The Prepared Flute: A Survey of its History, Techniques, and Repertoire
Stacey Lee Russell
University of South Carolina

High School Flute Choir Competition

Kinnaly Baccam
Catie Balsamo
Alicia Batalao
Sarah Chen
Amanda Happel
Anna Hu
Lynn Kang
Carinna Kinnaman
Elias Lai
Bonnie Laingen
Brian Liebau
Abigail Lien
Haley Lombardo
Elisabeth Naider
Sarah Null
Caden Sader
Davi Sapiro-Gheiler
Ami Shaw
Juliana Simonfalvi
Adith Srivatsa
Deepti Vadhiyar
Haley Varo
Katherine Whitney
Audrey Yang
Julia Yeh

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Jessica Shand*
Ruitong Qin
Joanna Kim
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Flute Big Band Audition

Michael Abresch
Ixchel Betancourt
Susan Crane
Jenny Focht
Michele Gordon
Elizabeth Hodnett
Ruth Kasckow
Andrea Kloehn
Lawrence Liggins
Alex Lui
Tara Meade
Sheri Lyn Muneno
Nancy Newman
John Reid
Donna Sevcovic
Corydon S. Sperry
Terry Wolff

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

Michael Abresch
Alex Lui
Sheri Lyn Muneno

Masterclass Performers Competition

Nicholas Buonanni
Abby Easterling
Melissa Merkel
Alyssa Primeau
James Thompson
JennaMarie Warfield

Newly Published Music Competition

Rumänische Volkstänze for flute and piano
Béla Bartók, arr. Gergely Ittzés
Universal Edition

Timeless for piccolo and piano
Ken Benshoof
ALRY Publications

La Sympathie for flute and piano
António José Croner
AvA Musical Editions

Sparklers for piccolo and piano
ed. Paula Robison
Theodore Presser

Fantasia sul Flauto magico di W.A. Mozart for flute and piano
Pablo De Sarasate, arr. Pablo Taballione
Riverberi Sonori

Sonata for flute and piano
Peter Senchuk
Forest Glade Music

Chaconne from Partita No. 2 in D Minor for flute solo
J.S. Bach, arr. Denis Bouriakov and William Bennett
Theodore Presser

...for the right reasons for flute solo
Fabio Cachão
Scherzo Editions

Asphyxia for flute solo
Nicole Chamberlain
Spotted Rocket Publising

Concertstück Op. 3 for flute and piano
Joachim Anderson, ed. Kyle Dzapo
Musikverlag Zimmermann

Concerto in Three Movements for piccolo and orchestra
Ken Benshoof
ALRY Publications

6 weeks to finals: the complete system for audition success
Sharon Sparrow
Theodore Presser

Baroque studies for modern flute
Elizabeth Walker
Wonderful Winds

Temperamental Triodes for alto flute, bass flute and contrabass flute
Jonathan Cohen
Tetractys Publishing

Pixie Politics for flute quartet
Dana H. Joras
ALRY Publications

Traveling for flute and alto flute
Ricardo Matosinhos
Scherzo Editions

Two Intermezzi for flute trio
C.H.H. Parry, arr. Robert Rainford
Forton Music

Little Suite of Mythological Beings for flute quartet
Anže Rozman
ALRY Publications

Dance Macabre for flute quintet
Camille Saint-Saens, arr. Gudrun Hinze
ALRY Publications

Much Balding in The Marsh for flute quintet
Geoff Warren
Forton Music

Wail for flute and trombone
Nicole Chamberlain
Spotted Rocket Publising

Nastrond for flute and guitar
Jeffrey Holmes
Les Productions d’oz/Dobermann-Yppan

Ragmala for double wind quintet
Liz Sharma
Forton Music

Spirals of Light for flute, cello and piano
Meira Warshauer
Hildegard Publishing Company

Flutes of Nature for flute choir
Jonathan Cohen
Falls House Press

March of the Trolls for flute orchestra
Edward Grieg, arr. Mel Orriss
Wonderful Winds

Tahiti Trot for flute choir
Dmitri Shostakovich, arr. Mel Orriss
Wonderful Winds

Talisman for flute orchestra
Alexandra Molnar Suhajda
ALRY Publications

Pirates' Escapade for flute choir
Christina Wetzler
ALRY Publications

Quinteto de Sopros Op. 56
António Victorino D’Almeida
AvA Musical Editions

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Leah Stevens
Emma McCartney
Mingu Son
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Alexandria Hoffman
Leah Stevens
Heidi Keener
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Linda Bailey
Laura Benning
Alice Collazo
Rachel Decker
Cassandra Eisenreich
Pamela Fisher
Debbie Gilbert
Janee Gilliland
Dawn Grapes
Laura Gustavsen
Virginia Hudson
Hal Ide
Rose Johnson
Lindsay Kimbley
Rita Linard
Phyllis Louke
Karen McClintock
Dorli McWayne
Alison Mossey
Nancy Mulholland
Corinna Muller
Lauren Robbins-Pollack
Debra Schild
Diana Sipes

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Victor Wang*
Alison Fierst
Pauline Jung
Hannah Leffler
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
3rd Place


Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Sean Adamiak
Marcos Alvarez
Jasmine Bailey
Bryan Baker
Adrianna Carrion
Rachel Fleischer
Ricardo Gil
Paula Hartsough
David Jimenez
Olivia Jirousek  
Kaitlin Jones
Kyle Jones
Crisha Joyner
Emily Licholai
Maeve McGonigal
Paloma Pedraza
Bianca Pratte
Rebekah Redford
Daniel Rivas
Melissa Rowl
Jose Soto
Jennifer Stephensen 
Jacquelyn Vaught

Convention Performers Competition

Laura Benning
Tracy Doyle
Robert Southard
Alina Windell

C.R.E.A.T.E. Project Competition (Arts Venture Competition)

Play It Forward

Flute Choir Composition Competition

Charles Fernandez - A Quiet House and a Mouse

Graduate Research Competition

Mental Discipline and Musical Meaning
Alice Jones
City University of New York

High School Flute Choir Competition

Justin Au
Catherine Balsamo
Tamar Benami
Elizabeth Blake
Lauren Brady
Maria Crowley
Hailey Everhart
Hannah Fette
Jiayuan Han
Lynn Kang
Bonnie Laingen
Hayden Loeb
Kendall Lowery
Michael McCann
Emily Osborne
Phoebe Rawn
Jonathan Rodriguez
Arin Sarkissian
Rebecca Scimio
Megan Trach
Supriya Weiss
Marie Ybarra
Julia Yeh

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Lindsey Wong
Jessica Shand*
Hanna Noh
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Artist Competition

Shun Katayama
Tupac Ulloa

Masterclass Performers Competition

Megan Pan
Deanna Pyeon
Elizabeth Salerno
Mingu Son
You Yang
Chaoyue Zhang

Newly Published Music Competition

Sonate for flute and piano
César Frank, arr. Douglas Woodfull-Harris
Bärenreiter Verlag

Feathers and Wax for flute and piano
Amanda Harberg
Theodore Presser Company

Wer hat dies Liedel erdacht? Five Selected Songs for flute and piano
Gustav Mahler, arr. Ronald Kornfeil, ed. Emmanuel Pahud
Universal Edition

Rickshaw Zip for piccolo and piano
Ned McGowan
Donemus Special Series

Rituals for flute and piano
Blaž Pucihar
Pucihar Music

Eight Pieces for piccolo (or concert flute) and piano
Hans-André Stamm
Notenverlag Hans-André Stamm

O motivo da menina Laite
André M. Santos
Scherzo Editions

Lu for solo piccolo
Boris Alvardo
Cayambis Music Press

Gabriel Fauré, arr. Robert Webb, ed. Judy Nishimura
ALRY Publications

Concerto Elegia
Ellen Taaffe Zwilich
Theodore Presser Company

Vibrato Workbook, Volume 2
Chris Potter
Falls House Press

Fluting Stars, Volumes 1 & 2
Blaž Pucihar and Ana Kavic Pucihar
Pucihar Music

Fantasie Pastorale Hongroise for flute quintet
Franz Doppler, arr. Gudrun Hinze
ALRY Publications

Socotra for flute quartet
Russell Hepplewhite
Forton Music

Irish Trio Collection
Ricky Lombardo
Lombardo Music Publications

Les Folies d’Espagne for flute quintet
Marin Marais, arr. Gudrun Hinze
ALRY Publications

Sfavillante: Flute Trio
Vincenzo Sorrentino
Forton Music

The Bestiary for soprano and flute (piccolo, C flute, alto flute)
Donald Draganski
ALRY Publications

La Serenata: Italian Serenades and Love Songs for flute and guitar
Paula Robison and Frederic Hand
Theodore Presser Company

Forest Devil Waltzes (on themes of Emil Waldteufel) for two piccolos, three C flutes, alto flute, bass flute, and piano
Dan Welcher
Theodore Presser Company

Cape May Breezes for wind quintet
Daniel Dorff
Theodore Presser Company

Lincolnshire Posy for wind quintet
Percy Grainger, arr. Mark Graig
ALRY Publications

Flute 66 for flute choir
Jonathan Cohen
ALRY Publications

Fanfare pour preceder "La Peri”
Paul Dukas, arr. Martin Melicharek
ALRY Publications

Beyond the Night Sky
Peter Senchuk
Forest Glade Music

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Katherine Velasquez
Danielle Stevens
Elyse Davis
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Cara Dailey
Rachel Ordaz*
Mariaceli Navarro Salerno
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Elise Allen
Linda Bailey
Luisa Cartagena
Bonnie Cochran
Rachel Decker
Judy Diez d'Aux
Cassandra Eisenreich
Kathy Farmer
Yu Fujii
Debbie Gilbert
Virginia Hudson
Rose Johnson
Kristen Kean
Treese Kjeldsen
Phyllis Louke
Michael Mantz
Dorli McWayne
Alison Mossey
Debra Schild
Katie Shelton
Lucille Snell
Kelly Via

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Hannah Hammel*
Ayana Terauchi
Patrick Tsuji
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Artist Competition

Alexa Raine-Wright
Joshua Romatowski
Mili Chang
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Emily Bartz
Madison Bunch
Madeline Cawley
Alice Collazo
Natasha Costello
Flor Cruz
Anne Daley
Anamarie Diaz
Esther Efthimiou
Kellie Henry
Tiffany Jih
Crisha Joyner
Michelle Meadows
Janel Mejia
Alicia Moyer
Gregory Obregon
Laura Papit
Courtney Pham
Megan Reich
Daniel Rivas Jr.
Elizabeth Salerno
Jennifer Stephenson
Jacquelyn Vaught

Convention Performers Competition

Mary Holzhausen
Sarah McIver
Juliana Overmier
John Ross
Heather Verbec

Flute Choir Composition Competition

Judy Nishimura - Transverses

Graduate Research Competition

“Constructing the Authentic: Approaching the 6 Tango-Etudes pour Flûte Seule by Astor Piazzolla (1921–1992) for Interpretation and Performance"
Jessica Quiñones
University of Huddersfield

“A Handbook of Solo and Chamber Music for the Flute by Composers from Russia and the Former Soviet Republics”
Ashley Shank
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

High School Flute Choir Competition

Katie Berry
Madison Booth
Sarah Castle
Daniel Chen
Christine Chong
Frank Ge
Cierra Hall
Sarah Harkness
Heather Havens
Dana Herbert
Emily Hook
Hannah Kim
Andrea Kloehn
Jacob Laws
Andrew Liu
Monique Sanford
Yuzhu Shi
Miranda Song
Isita Tripathi
Stephanie Van Fossen
Eliana Van Renterghem
Elizabeth Van Renterghem
Annie Zhao
Helen Zhao

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Ayana Terauchi*
Veronica Zheng
Shang Cong Lu
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Flute Big Band Audition

Michael Abresch
Nathaniel Berman
Andrea Brachfeld
Eden Dunning
Dominique Gagne
Michele Gordon
David Heywood
Elizabeth Hodnett
Gwyn Jones
Ruth Kasckow
Zachary Kellogg
Bryan Kennard
Kristina Lee
Lawrence Liggins
Lisa Lorenzino
Tara Meade
Nancy Newman
Kenneth Powell
John Reid
Matt Riley
Ines Rodriguez
Donna Sevcovic
Ken Sherman
Anthony Westbrook
Brendon Wilkins

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

David Heywood
Kenneth Powell
Brendon Wilkins

Masterclass Performers Competition

Jacqueline Berndt
Irissa Hubka
Natalie Jefferson
Eric Leise
Krista Pack
Turi Scilipoti

Newly Published Music Competition

Sonata (Three Lakes) for flute and piano
Daniel Dorff
Theodore Presser Company

Birds of Paradise
Shulamit Ran
Theodore Presser Company

Baroque Flute Studies
Elizabeth Walker
Wonderful Winds

Wild Nightingale
Brandy Hudelson
ADJ•ective New Music

Kadenzen: Cadenzas to Mozart's Flute Concerti
Emmanuel Pahud
Universal Edition

Three Slavonic Dances for flute quartet and piano
Antonín Dvorák, arr. Judy Nishimura
ALRY Publications

Loops for flute quartet
Brandy Hudelson
ADJ•ective New Music

Chrysalis for flute sextet
Catherine McMichael
ALRY Publications

A Midsummer Night's Dream for flute quintet
Felix Mendelssohn, arr. Gudrun Hinze
ALRY Publications

Fluty-Flute for two flutes
Petar Obradovic
ALRY Publications

Underwater Flowers for two bass flutes
Gary Schocker
Theodore Presser Company

Sonate for Flute, Viola, and Harp
Claude Debussy, ed. Carl Swanson
Carl Fischer Music

Swinging Counterpoint for wind quartet
Armando Ghidoni
Alphonse Leduc

Book of Memory for flute, viola, and harp
Paul Lansky
Carl Fischer Music

Quintet for a Day
Carter Pann
Theodore Presser Company

Rainbow Measures for flute ensemble
Rob Keeley
Tetractys Publishing

Variations on an Ancient Pavane for flute ensemble
Ervin Monroe
Little Piper

LA Rhapsody for piccolo and flute ensemble
Peter Senchuk
Forest Glade

Jazzy Due for flute and vibraphone
Petar Obradovic
ALRY Publications

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Luke Fitzpatrick
Turi Scilipoti
Joshua Romatowski
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Masterclass Competition

Jinyoung Choi
Holly Rosenberg
Danielle Stevens

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Linda Bailey
Judy Diez d'Aux
Adrian Dee
Barbara Eberhart
Cassandra Eisenreich
Laura Gustavsen
Rose Johnson
Lindsay Kimbley
Denise Koncelik
Cheryl Lamb
Melissa Lambert
Judi Lampert
Rita Linard
Phyllis Louke
Dorli McWayne
Nancy Mulholland
Rebecca Murphy
Joyce Oakes
Daniel Parasky
Lauren Robbins-Pollack
Debra Schild
Debra Stombres
Kelly Via
Lenora Warkentin

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Ramakrishnan Kumaran
Mira Magrill*
Martha Long
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Masterclass Competition

Zoe Sorrell
Wendy Willis

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Marcos Alvarez
Krystal Ankerbrand
Lindsay Baker
Alyssa Baranski
Stephanie Booth
Carly Burkhard
Noelle Campen
Clara Capriotti
Anamarie Diaz
Ann Green
Gabriel Gutierrez
Jessica Hall
Kayla Hanvey
Courtney Harkins
Taylor Jennings
Tiffany Jih
Kaitlin Jones
Emily Matthews
Megan McKinney
Carly Prince
Clarissa Salinas
Rebecca Silverstein
Amanda Sullivan
Jacquelyn Vaught
Laura Wirth

Convention Performers Competition

Mattie Greathouse
Chelsea Koziatek
Janet McKay

C.R.E.A.T.E. Project Competition (Arts Venture Competition)

Flute New Music Consortium

Flute Choir Composition Competition

Greg Lutz - Niño del Sol

Graduate Research Competition

“The Flutist as Co-Creator: Composer-Performer Collaboration in the Flute Music of Hungary”
Izabella Bernadet Budai
University of Toronto

“Eastern and Western Aesthetics and Influences in the Twenty-First Century Flute Concerti of Chinese-Born American Composers”
Shelley Smith Martinson
Florida State University

High School Flute Choir Competition

Chaehyun Ahn
Emma Anderson
Katharine Benya
Emma Bezilla
Madison Booth
Luisa Brown
Jessica Chen
Audrey Cullen
Caleb Dilsavor
Michelle Donald
Hailey Everhart
Eliza Fisher
Benjamin Foster
Sarah Harkness
Simone Hendrix
Naomi Hollard
Emily Hook
Mary (Katie) Hook
Rachel Johnstone
Esther Kim
Sol Kim
Katja Kochvar
Rebbeca Krupa
David Liou
Cristina Llacer
Sarah Meidel
Maggie Mischka
Gabriela Nisley
Grace O'Shea
Linda Purdue
Nicole Reed
Erika Rohrberg
Geri Ross
Rebecca Scimio
Jessica Smith
Stephanie Van Fossen
Abigail Walker
Jennifer Wang
Anna Welton-Arndt
Victoria Zhang

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Apoorva Rangan
Elizabeth Sperry
Ramakrishnan Kumaran
Carlos Aguilar*
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Artist Competition

Sarpay Özçagatay
Rit Xu

Masterclass Performers Competition

Lindsay Bryden
Ayca Cetin
Brooke Harris
Min Hee Kim
Jeemini Lee
Hyejeong Ryu
Luke Shultz
Jennifer Slaughter
Philip Snyder

Newly Published Music Competition

Piccolo Moods
Blaž Pucihar
ALRY Publications

Sonatine for flute and piano
Lauren Bernofsky
Theodore Presser Company

Sonata No. 2 for flute and piano
Eric Ewazen
Theodore Presser Company

Partita for Flute Solo (BWV 1013)
J.S. Bach, ed. Dagmar Glüxam
Wiener Urtext Edition, Schott/Universal Edition

Sonata for Flute Solo (Wq 132/H 562)
C.P.E. Bach, ed. Jochen Reutter
Wiener Urtext Edition, Schott/Universal Edition

The New Flute: Workbook & DVD
Tilmann Dehnhard
Universal Edition

Coppelia: Prelude et Mazurka
Léo Delibes, arr. Shaul Ben-Meir
Megido Music Publications

Flute 103: Mastering the Basics
Patricia George and Phyllis Avidan Louke
Theodore Presser Company

Yearning: Hrepenenje for flute quartet
Crt Sojar Voglar
ALRY Publications

Six Sonatas for Two Flutes Op. 2
Georg Philipp Telemann, ed. Jochen Reutter and Susanne Schrage
Wiener Urtext Edition, Schott/Universal Edition

Two Preludes for flute and marimba/vibraphone
Katherine Hoover
Papagena Press

Klezmer Suite for flute/bass flute and guitar
Carl Dimow
ALRY Publications

Fully Dressed
Peter Senchuk
Forest Glade Music

Hansel and Gretel Overture
Engelbert Humperdink, arr. Matt Johnson
ALRY Publications

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Hannah Hammel
Kathleen Winters
Jenny Lehtonen
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Jenni Miller
Sarah Pyle
Ilonka Kolthof
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Linda Bailey
Laura Benning
Lisa Book
Judy Diez d'Aux
Barbara Eberhart
Kathy Farmer
Debbie Gilbert
Laura Gustavsen
Donna Hryniewicki
Rose Johnson
Linda Kirkpatrick
Cheryl Lamb
Dorli McWayne
Rebecca Murphy
Joyce Oakes
Megan Pettitt
Debra Schild
Naomi Seidman
Lucy Snell
Janet Stodd
Kelly Via
Wendy Willis

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Seth Morris
Benjamin Smolen
Ji Weon Ryu
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Jasmine Bailey
Stephanie Cary Booth
Megan Brooker
Carly Burkhard
Mari Cho
Rayna Goldsmith
Margaret Gregory
Christopher Gugel
Courtney Harkins
Muhigo Hatsusaka
Mary Love Himebook
Brittany Howard
Eric Leise
Victoria Marts
Amanda Mather
Tamara Riker
Natalie Magana Rodriguez
Kahlise Rotondi
Clarissa Salinas
Michelle Scroggie
Laura Wirth
Sarah Wolf

Convention Performers Competition

Lindsay Bartlett
Karen McLaughlin Large
Evangelina Reyes Lopez
Bethany Padgett
Naomi Seidman

Flute Choir Composition Competition

Dana Hansen Joras - Carnival Pieces

Graduate Research Competition

“Producing Incantations: A Practical Guide to Performing Salvatore Sciarrino’s Solo Flute Music”
Roberta Michel
City University of New York

High School Flute Choir Competition

Lara Safinaz Balikci
Mia Bergeron
Amanda Branagan
Elissa R. Brown
Josephine Chu
Caleb Dilsavor
Rechel Geiger
Jiaying Han
Sarah Leanne Harkness
Adrienne Havelka
Katie Hook
Nicholas Ioffreda
Max Lin
Sarah E. Meidel
Sarah Kathryn Mitchener
Erin Elisabeth Morrow
Gabriela Nisly
Drew Elizabeth Ramsey
Savannah Rose Ridley
Kaitlyn Ruffing
Justine Patricia Sedky
Arastu Sharma
Jessica Smith
Snigdha Udupi
Victoria Zhang

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Catherine Winters
JiHyuk Park
Kristen Fang
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Flute Big Band Audition

Jamie Baum
Andrea Brachfeld
Fernando Brandão
Bob Chadwick
Michael Cox
Ernesto Fernandez
Ines Rodriguez Flores
Richard Ford
Dominique Gagné
Daniel Joseph Giacobassi
Lise Gilly
Alana Guarino
Elizabeth Braud Hodnett
Kristopher Keith
Zachary Kellogg
Bryan Kennard
Billy Kerr
Paul Lieberman
Lawrence H. Liggins
Bill McBirnie
Ron McCarley
Carol Mellis
Martha Oestreich
Jeanie Pierce
Elena Pinderhughes
John Charles Reid
Matthew K. Riley
Rachel Julianna Rodgers
Jonathan Royce
Jose Valentino Ruiz
Peggy Schnell
Henri Charles Scott
Kim Felder Scott
Donna Sevcovic
Corydon Sperry
Mary Titus
Keith Underwood
Ron Wainwright
Anthony Peter Westbrook
Vicky Prothro Williamson
Rit Xu

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

Dominique Gagné
Remigijus Kazukauskas
Richard Warner

Masterclass Performers Competition

Lauren Asimakoupoulos
Sarah Benton
Bridget Bertoldi
Laura Clapper
Emily Duncan
Roya Farzaneh
Margaret Gregory
Hannah Hammel
Allison Jayroe
Samantha Marshall
Gabriella Roderer
Leo Sussman
Terence Teow
Seung Jae Yoo
Ryan Zerna

Newly Published Music Competition

Gergely Ittzés
Falls House Press

For piccolo
Jean-Michel Damase
Gérard Billaudot Éditeur

Flute 102: Mastering the Basics
Patricia George and Phyllis Avidan Louke
Theodore Presser Company

Five Lyrics for flute and piano
Jan Krzywicki
Tenuto Publications

Sonata for flute and piano
Gaetano Donizetti
Riverberi Sonori

J. S. Bach Overture - Suite in B Minor BWV 1067 - informed performance edition for flute and keyboard
J.S. Bach, ed. Betti Bang Mather and Dean M. Karns
Theodore Presser Company

Harmony in Blue and Gold for 3 flutes (1st doubles piccolo) and alto flute
Eric Ewazen
Theodore Presser Company

Curves for three flutes and piano
Ian Clarke
IC Music

Echoes of the Ancients
Sarah Bassingthwaighte
ALRY Publications

All That I Could for flute, cello and piano
Damian Gallagher
Arabella Score Publications

Urban Jungle for flute (piccolo), clarinet (bass clarinet), violin, violoncello, piano, and percussion
Aleksander Sternfeld-Dunn
ALRY Publications

Compatible Trios for Winds
Larry Clark
Carl Fischer Music

Autumn Vespers
Alexandra Molnar-Suhajada
ALRY Publications

Inno for Joueurs
Vincento Sorrentino
Forton Music

Remembrances - Volume 1: Debussy
Kelly Via
Nourse Wind Publications

A Little Norwegian Suite
Edvard Grieg, arr. Tonje Elisabeth Berg
ALRY Publications

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Meera Gudipati
Erin Torres
James Brinkmann
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Masterclass Competition

Christian Gonzalez
Hea Ri Kim
Bethany Padgett

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Linda Bailey
Lindsay Bartlett
Lindsay Beasley
Laura Benning
Lisa Book
Jenny Cline
Barbara Eberhart
Kathy Farmer
Debbie Gilbert
Laura Gustavsen
Darlene Hunter
Rose Johnson
Lindsay Kimbley
Linda Kirkpatrick
Denise R. Koncelik
Cheryl Lamb
Judy Lampert
Karen McLaughlin Large
Szu-Yu Cindy Lin
Phyllis Avidan Louke
Dorli McWayne
Judy Moore
Dan Parasky
Debra Schild
Lucy Snell
Janet Stodd
Kelly Via
Liz Williamson

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Emi Ferguson
Xue Su
Jessica Petrasek
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Artist Competition

Nihan Atalay
Joanna Marsden
Joseph Monticello
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Sean Adamiak
Holly Clark
Katie Dimick
Deann Duncan
Melissa Gaughan
Rayna Goldsmith
Margaret Gregory
Delara Hashemi
Jana Havens
Sarah Jackson
Jeremy Jimenez
Kendra Kanaversky
Kaitlin Mattison Lee
Clara Manino
Sarrong McIff
Clarice Miller
Charles Page
Teresa Sandragorsian
Danielle Stevens
Audrey Sulit
Amanda Sullivan
Elizabeth Talbott
Aleksandra Tremblay
Sarah Cathryn White
Adam Wisniewski
Sarah Wolf
Jennifer Zarek

Convention Performers Competition

Kristi Ballif
Ayça Cetin
Whitney Farris O'Neal
Nancy Toone

Graduate Research Competition

“Voice, Itinerant, and Air: A Performance and Analytical Guide to the Solo Flute Works of Toru Takemitsu”
Elizabeth Robinson
Ball State University - Muncie, Indiana

High School Flute Choir Competition

Oria Alexander
Isaac Alter
Zachary Arend
Bryan Baker
Katie Buchbinder
Haelin Cho
Emily Duncan
Ashley Fleming
Ann Green
Mimi Harding
Tasiaeafe Hiner
Belle Hutchins
Charlie Jacobs
Erin Keppner
Katja Kochvar
Rachel Li
Cindy Lin
Laurella Lutz
Sarah Meidel
Sarah Mitchener
K'Deidra Morrison
Gabriela Nisly
Lucy Schermer
Garbrielle Squillante
Charlotte Zee
Becky Zhang

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Jennifer Chiang
Dominique Kim
Elizabeth Sperry
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Artist Competition

Bill McBirnie
Kenny Stahl

Masterclass Performers Competition

Hyunmin Choo
Allison Emerick
Hannah Hammel
Bethany Padgett
Hye-Jin (Helen) Park
Emily Rudovsky

Newly Published Music Competition

Argyle Street: Six Pieces for Flute Quartet
David L. McIntyre
Roy Street Music

Eventide Soliloquy
Paige Dashner Long
Falls House Press

Flautista: A Suite of Latin Dances, Volume 2
John W. N. Palmer
Nourse Wind Publications

Peer Gynt, Suite No. 1
Edvard Grieg, arr. Shaul Ben-Meir
Megido Music Publications

Tunebook for Woodwind Quintet
William Averitt
Falls House Press

Special Fingerings for Advanced Flutists
Ervin Monroe
Little Piper

Sonata for Flute and Piano
Cynthia Folio
Portfolio Publications

Poco Allegretto from Symphony No. 3
Johannes Brahms, arr. Shaul Ben-Meir
Megido Music Publications

Variations on "Time and Time Again"
Sebastian Currier
Carl Fischer Music

Danza de la Mariposa
Valerie Coleman
Theodore Presser Company

Etudes for flute
Katherine Hoover
Papagena Press

Flute Debut: 12 Easy Pieces for Beginners 
James Rae 
Universal Edition

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Hannah Leffler
James Brinkmann
Analiese Trimber
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Zachariah Galatis
Courtney Morton
Jennifer Bouton
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Janelle Barrera
Laura Benning
Renee Bhatia
Lisa Book
Judy Diez d'Aux
Adrienne Geffen
K. Dawn Grapes
Laura Gustavsen
Cassy Hewett
Rose Johnson
Cheryl Lamb
Brian Logan
Dorli McWayne
Whitney Farris O'Neal
Kristin Osaki
Dan Parasky
Debra Schild
Lucy Snell
Christen Stephens
Darrin Thaves
Kelly Via
Lenora Warkentin
Penny Zent

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Laura Kaufman
Abi Coffer*
Joanna Wu
1st Place
3rd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Masterclass Competition 

Lindsay Leach
Kelly Roudabush

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Mary Jean Altura
Ashley Beavis
Christine Chesney
Briana Dunn
Daniel Gonet
Brooke Harris
Delara Hashimi
Mugiho Hatusaka
Katie Holzer
Jonathan Huffman
Alaina Langhirt
David Le
Natalie Magana
Katherine Murphy
Rebecca Neal
Charles Page
Mary Pierce
Laura Pillman
Christi Rajnes
Katie Rice
Jennifer Shanahan
Rachel Lynn Smith
Kathryn Whitesel
Meghan Williams
Lindsay Williamson
Christina Wishart
Corinth Young

Convention Performers Competition

Suzanne Duffy
Jessica Leeth
Bonnie McAlvin
Sarah Miles
Ysmael Reyes

Graduate Research Competition

“The Flute and Piccolo Music of Thea Musgrave: A Performer’s Analysis of the Trio for Flute, Oboe and Piano; Narcissus for solo flute and digital delay; and Piccolo Play for Piccolo and Piano”
Rebecca Johnson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"Analysis and Interpretation of Kazuo Fukushima’s Solo Flute Music"
Chung-Lin Lee
University of Washington

High School Flute Choir Competition

Oria Alexander
Isaac Alter
Allison Baker
Kelsey Beisecker
Katie Buchbinder
Angela Flanagan
Bethany Frelier
Kelsey Fries
Krysten Geddes
Rechel Geiger
Henry Geraghty
Courtney Harkins
Mary Himebook
Aidah Kaetterhenry
Angela Li
Laurella Lutz
Victoria Marts
Erin Morrow
Millie Nishikawa
Sarah Ohanian
Anna Reitsma
Lucy Rogers
Rebecca Judith Rubinstein
Rebecca Silverstein
Maegan Weaver
Becky Zhang
Erica Zheng

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Annie Wu*
Christine Murphy
Xue Su
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Flute Big Band Audition

Alexandra Aguirre
Nathaniel Berman
Andrew Chanian
Susan Crane
Richard Ford
Zachary Kellogg
Bryan Kennard
Jane Lenoir
Lawrence Liggins
Lisa Lorenzo
Howard Motteler
Ines Rodriguez
Ken Sherman
Peter Westbrook
Brittany Williams

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

Andrew Ohanian
Rumi Patterson
Rit Xu

Masterclass Performers Competition

Karen Gallant
Michael Hoover
Lindsay Leach
Sarah Shapiro
Emily Stanek
Shauna Thompson
Erin Torres

Newly Published Music Competition

Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series 
The Royal Conservatory 
Frederick Harris Music 

Ricky Lombardo 
Lombardo Music Publications 

Flutter and Flit for solo flute 
Gary Schocker 
Theodore Presser Company 

Melange of Neumes 
Stephen Lias 
ALRY Publications 

Enigma   Variations 
Edward Elgar, arr. Shaul Ben-Meir 
Megido Music Publications 

Velocity for flute and piano 
Kenji Bunch 
Theodore Presser Company 

Metric Measures, Op. 48 
Don Stewart 
Trillenium Music Company

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Sarah Tran
Michael Hoover
Chao Wang
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Masterclass Competition

Krystle Jones
Jessica Patchett
Jilene VanOpdorp

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Cynthia Beausang
Laura Benning
Lisa Book
Judy Diez d'Aux
Jennifer Elliott
Kathy Farmer
Laura Gustavsen
Cassy Hewett
Donna Hryniewicki
Virginia Hudson
Jamie Hunt
Lisa Johnson
Rose Johnson
Melissa Krause
Mary Ellen Kregler
Cheryl Lamb
Dorli McWayne
Sonja Noykos

Whitney Farris O'Neal
Debra C. Schild
Lisa Schroeder
Lucille Snell
Janet Stodd
Kelly Via
Penny Zent

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Jihoon Shin
Chris James
Angel Hsiao
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Dede Andrus
Jennica Bisbee
Brooke Harris
Megan Holland
Alana Jacobs
Julianne Janeway
Hilary Janysek
Samantha Kostelecky
Erica Michel
Jordan Pearson
Christopher Roth
Grace Shepler
Rachel L. Smith
Kathryn Vinod
Alexander White
Corinth Young
Matthew Zavortink

Convention Performers Competition

Laura Cooley
Lucie Jones
Kana Murakoshi
Keren Schweitzer

Graduate Research Competition

“An Application of the Principles of Anatomy, Physiology, and Neurology to the Balance and Playing of the Flute”
Susan D. Fain
University of Oklahoma

“Multicultural Influences in the Music of Isang Yun as Represented in his Concerto for Flute and Small Orchestra”
Ju-Hee Kim
University of Alabama

High School Flute Choir Competition

Oria Alexander
Kelsey Beisecker
Elissa Brown
Katie Buchbinder
Lauren Burns
Christine Chu
Samping Chuang
Luis Diaz
Allegra Evert
Courtney Harkins
Alexander Ioffreda
Madhav Iyengar
SoWon Kang
Alexis Kaufman
Kirsten Laman
Victoria Marts
Reba Meyers
Millie Nishikawa
Anna Reitsman
Brandon Rotondo
Kaitlyn Ruffing
Taylor Sims
Ezra Spiro
Taylor Weary
Becky Zhang

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Jiweon Ryu
Xue Su
Jeemini Lee
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

Julie Baker
Katherine Francis
Eva Ryan
Katherine Standefer
Sarah Tran
Chao Wang

Newly Published Music Competition

A Treasury of Bach Duets
J.S Bach, arr. Daniel Dorff
Theodore Presser Company

Concerto for Flute Choir
W.A. Mozart, arr. David H. Bailey
Falls House Press

Difficile ma possibile
Francesco Santucci
Riverberi Sonori

Diverse Duets
Gary Schocker
Theodore Presser Company

Echoes of Sarah for flute ensemble
Robert Raines
Falls House Press

Eight Visions: A New Anthology for Flute and Piano
Marya Martin
Theodore Presser Company

Jazz Studies
Tilmann Dehnhard
Universal Edition

Night Music, Op. 109
Lowell Liebermann
Theodore Presser Company

Salonstücke, Op. 52
Joachim Anderson, arr. Kyle Dzapo

Thirty Caprices, Op. 107
Sigfried Karg-Elert
Urmusik Edition

Undine Sonata, Op. 167
Carl Reinecke
Universal Edition

Russian Sailor's Dance
Reinhold Gliere, arr. Ricky Lombardo
Lombardo Music Publications

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Annie Elmer
Valerie Estes
Josefina Mutascu
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Anke Lauwers
Thomas James Wible
Jenny Robinson
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Masterclass Competition

Stephanie Miller
Lauren Waidelich

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Lindsay Beasley
Laura Benning
Renée Bhatia
Lisa Book
Katherine Cox
Tabatha Easley
Kathy Farmer
Yuki Fujimura
K. Dawn Grapes
Cassy Hewett
Donna Hryniewicki
Rose Johnson
Denise Koncelik
Cheryl Lamb
Phyllis Avidan Louke
Dorli McWayne
Eunice Jung Eun Oh
Mary Sand
Lisa Schroeder
Diana Sipes
Janet Stodd
Darrin Thaves
Kelly Via
Penny Zent

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Mercedes Smith
Kelly Sulick*
Sung Woo Steven Kim
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Artist Competition

Sarah Paysnick
Andrea LeBlanc
Tammara Phillips
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Collegiate Flute Choir Competition

Kelley Barnett
Cain-Oscar Bergeron
Tara Borchert
Lauryn Gould
Eric Griffin
Delara Hashemi
Kathryn Hendrickson
Julianne Janeway
Hilary Janysek
Shari Jefferson
Samantha Kostelecky
Georgia Laughner
KiPum Lee
Courtney Martin
Bethany McAcy
Erica Michel
Christopher Roth
Jodie Rottle
Mallory Sanchez
Rebekah Sanchez
Lindsey Sherman
Ashley Smith
Jessica Vogel
Michelle Vraney

Convention Performers Competition

Ellen Huntington
Chia-Jui Lee
Julianna Nickel
Juliana Overmier
Lisa Schroeder
Rie Shimizu

Graduate Research Competition

“Voice of Crumb: George Crumb’s Use of Program in the Chamber Works for Flute”
Julie R. Hobbs

“Krishna Meets Pan: Indian-Western Fusion in Two Works for Flute and Harp by Ravi Shankar and John Mayer”
Lori Ann Kesner
University of Cincinnati

High School Flute Choir Competition

Allison Baker
Kathryn Bodnar
Elyssa Bowen
Daniel Casey
Colleen Cleary
Luis Diaz
Nadine Dyskant-Miller
Allegra Evert
Colin Fadzen
Daniel Fanshel
Yae-Jin Ha
Suhyoun Han
Courtney Harkins
Tiffany Hwang
Alexander Ioffreda
Robyn Latchford
Caroline Maley
Kendall McMillen
Flores Ines Rodriguez
Charlotte Roth
Kaitlyn Ruffing
Hannah Saloiye
Avery Sandborn
Alexander So
Jessica Stewart
Elspeth Sweatman
Anna Walsh
Taylor Weary
Mindy Yuan
Erica Zhao
Whitney (Simin) Zhau

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Jennifer Zhou
Christopher James
Yidan Zhao*
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Flute Big Band Audition

Yael Acher
Marc Adler
Tim Armacost
Jamie Baum
Andrea Brachfeld
Bob Chadwick
Alex Coke
John Paul Croarkin
Richard Ford
Dominique Gagné
Kris Keith
Zachary Kellogg
Bryan Kennard
Billy Kerr
Bradley Leighton
Bill McBirnie
Enrique Mendez
Howard Motteler
Kenny Powell
Michael Reichman
Rachel Rodgers
Jonathan Royce
Donna Sevcovic
Pamela Sklar
Stan Slotter
Diana Tucker
Mark Weinstein
Peter Westbrook
Deanna Witkowski
Carlos Xavier

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

Mark Weinstein
Louisa West

Masterclass Performers Competition

Sonia Candelaria
Nave Graham
Laura Kaufman
Marisa Kelegian
Yanko Reyes
Jiyun Yi

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Brittany Foster
Jacqueline Arrington
Erin McKibben
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Masterclass Competition

Jennifer Ann Cunningham
Zachariah C. Galatis
Jenni L. Miller

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Cathleen Arhelger
Lindsay Beasley
Vicki Bell
Lisa Book
Timothy Bower
Tabatha Easley
Kathy Farmer
Joan da Silva Heit
Ju-Hee Kim
Phyllis Louke
Karen McClintock
Dorli McWayne
Eunice JungEun Oh
Whitney O'Neal
Noelle E. Perrin
Tara Rooksby
Mary Sand
Lisa Schroeder
Heidi Schuller
Debra Stombres
Kelly Via
Cassie White
Penny Zent

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Brook Ferguson
Terri Sanchez*
Judy White
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Masterclass Competition

Sara Sclamberg
Kimary Welsh

Chamber Music Competition

Due East
Terra Voce
Ivy Street Ensemble
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Convention Performers Competition

James DeVoll
Jill Heyboer
Lucie Jones
Jennifer Kennard
Heather Small
Qiao Zhang

Graduate Research Competition

“Situating Schubert: Early 19th Century Flute Culture and the Trockne Blumen Variations, D.802”
Gretchen Rowe Clements
SUNY Buffalo

“Defining the British Flute School: A Study of British Flute Performance Practice 1890-1940”
Jessica Ann Raposo
University of British Columbia

High School Flute Choir Competition

Kathryn Bodnar
Allegra Evert
Colin Fadzen
Tim Fernando
Michelle Gonos
Yae-Jin Ha
Rachel Hacker
Lauren Hampton
Courtney Harkins
Chole Hayes
Madhav Iyengar
Annie Jeong
Liz Leimkuehler
Yuening Mao
Reba Meyers
Emily Michelle Pool
Christi Rajnes
Isabella Roden
Wiepie Rojas
Jennifer Rosso
Charlotte Roth
Rachel Smith
Rebecca Smith
Jess Terrell
Lindsey Wheelock
Young Chae Woo
Mindy Yuan
Whitney Zhou

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Elizabeth Lu
Yidan Zhao
Katherine Griffith
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

Erika Boysen
Rolando Jose Hernandez Gaitan
Maria Harman
Kathryn Ladner
Martha Long
Alexandra Wallin

Newly Published Music Competition

Flutes and Vegetables
Jonathan Cohen
Falls House Press

Concerto for Four Flutes
Georg Philipp Telemann, arr. David H. Bailey
Falls House Press

Jazz Scale Studies
James Rae
Universal Edition

Flute Project-New Pieces for Flute Solo
Victoria Borisova-Ollas, David Cutler, Roxanna Panufnik, Arvo Pärt, and Jay Schwartz
Universal Edition

The Liturgical Flutist: A Method Book & More
Denise La Giglia and Anna Belle O'Shea
GIA Publications

Sonata for flute and piano
Samuel Adler
Theodore Presser Company

Twin Trio for Flute, Bb Clarinet, and Piano
Derek Bermel
Peermusic Classical

Tre duetti italiani
Giovanni Battista Viotti, Luigi Gianella, and Saverio Mercadante, arr. Rien de Reede
Riverberi Sonori

Tango-Études for flute and piano
Astor Piazzolla
Editions Henry Lemoine

Three Concertos for Piccolo
Antonio Vivaldi, ed. Zart Dombourian-Eby
Theodore Presser Company

Angels We Have Heard on High
Ann Cameron Pearce
ALRY Publications

Two For Two
Katherine Hoover
Papagena Press

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Erica Peel
Martha Long
Laura Erickson
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Karen Eichinger
Virginia Crabtree
Jihye Choi
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Lindsay Beasley
Vicki Bell
Laura Benning
Lisa Book
Tina Signorelli Chard
Janet Fleck
Ronda Benson Ford
Kristin Grant
K. Dawn Grapes
Joan da Silva Heit
Samantha Inman
Lisa Busick Johnson
Rose Johnson
Allison Kelsey
Denise R. Koncelik
Phyllis Louke
Dorli McWayne
Erica Michel
Ruth Polcari
Melanie Reif
Lisa Schroeder
Diana Tiffany Sipes
Janice Spooner
Debra Stombres
Kelly Via
Penny Zent

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Daniel Velasco
Sarah Frisof
Pethrus Gardborn
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Artist Competition

Sarah van Cornewal
Sarah Giger
Leighann Daihl
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Convention Performers Competition

Melanie Keller
Jennifer Olsen
Karmen Suter
Amy Tully
Jennifer Wheeler

Graduate Research Competition

"A Performer’s Guide: Suite Paysanne Hongroise by Béla Bartók/arranged by Paul Arma"
Cristina Ballatori
University of Colorado Boulder

“The Flute Music of Shulamit Ran”
Elizabeth Brightbill
Indiana University

High School Flute Choir Competition

Kirsten Leigh Bickford
Megan M. Blewett
Laura Katherine Bock
Courtney Suzanne Calhoun
Katie Michelle Duffy
Michelle M. Grondin
Joshua W. Hahn
Thomas Jordan Horter
Mythili K. Iyer
Christine Michelle Jehle
Mary Larkin Kearns
Julie Kyong Min Lee
Zandra Sze Wah Man
Stephanie Ann McDonough
Alicia Kay Mielke
Anna Katherine Moeller
Alicia J. Moyer
Alexandria Ryann Parra
Amanda Rose Rodriguez
Wiepie Rojas
Rachel L. Smith
Jorge Fernando Blanco Soto
Erin E. Steele
Amulet C. Strange
Alysha Dawn Suley
Christen Denise Vann
Anna McCachren Walsh
Sarah Jane Weisel
Kelly Patricia Zimba

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Stephanie Kwak*
Elizabeth Stern
Elizabeth Lu
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

John Croarkin
Kristopher Keith

Masterclass Performers Competition

Beverly Brossmann
Sarah Carrier
Natasha Haney
Wendy Hebert
Katie Howard
Rachel Woolf

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Heather Zinninger
You-Kyoung Kim
Rebecca Johnson
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Masterclass Competition

Angela Joy McCuiston
Stephanie Miller
Jessica Raposo

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Cathleen Sue Arhelger
Lindsay Marie Beasley
Tina M. Beaton
Laura S. Benning
Lisa Book
Kathy F. Farmer
Sherry L. Finzer
K. Dawn Grapes
Joan da Silva Heit
Melissa M. Krause
Melissa A. Lambert
Phyllis Avidan Louke
Mary Elisabeth Matthews
Karen Beth McClintock
Dorli McWayne
Martha G. Oestreich
Carolyn A. Peterson
Mary Novak Sand
Kimberly Scott
Janet L. Stodd
Kelly Via
Penny Zent

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Hye Sung Choe
Gregory Milliren
Rachel Taratoot Ciraldo*
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Masterclass Competition

Rebecca Davidson
Martha Long

Chamber Music Competition

Windfire Duo
Duo Artus
Ensemble Radieuse
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Convention Performers Competition

Tabatha Easley
Sherry Finzer
Jennifer Grimm
Tina Kirchner
Kristine Parker
Tony Watson
Mary Joanna White

Graduate Research Competition

“Dwelling in the Secret: André Jolivet’s Ascèses in the Context of his Life and Philosophy”
Michelle Anne Cheramy
Rice University

“A Symbolist Melodrama: The Confluence of Poem and Music in Debussy’s La Flûte de Pan”
Laurel A. Ewell
West Virginia University

High School Flute Choir Competition

Kimberly Aron
Weronika Balewski
Kirsten Bickford
Erin Camp
Laura Clapper
Morgan Dice
Hailey Duvall
Leasha Folk
Michelle Grondin
Beth Hines
Thomas Horter
Mythili Iyer
Mary Kearns
Kathleen Leung
Miriam Nussbaum
Seth Parker
Kenan Paulus
Anna Reisenweaver
Michelle Robinson
Heather Runyon
Evy Silvis
Rebecca Springer
Alysha Suley
Britta Swedenborg
Rashimi Trivedi
Kelsey Washburn
Ashley Wilson
Sarah Wood
Gwendolyn Wydra
Kelly Zimba

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Abigail Coffer*
Laura Resnick
Young Ji Ahn
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

Megan Cloud
YoungKung Han
Martha Long
Rebecca Povodator
Elise Shope
Elizabeth Wiseman

Newly Published Music Competition

Alto & Bass Flute Resource Book
Christine Potter
Falls House Press

Sonate for Solo Flute, Op. 34
Arthur Willner, ed. Peter Thalheimer

Sechs Sonaten Opus 1 fur 2 Floten (Oboen)
Giuseppe Sammartini, ed. Nikolaus Delius

3 Songs from Schwanengesang
Franz Schubert, arr. Theobald Boehm

Peregrinations for Two Flutes
Gary Schocker
Theodore Presser Company

Sonata No. 2 for flute and piano
Martin Amlin
Theodore Presser Company

Histoire du Tango
Astor Piazzolla, arr. Kari Vehmanen
Editions Henry Lemoine

Classic Duets for Flute Vol. 2
Various composers, arr. Mary Karen Clardy
Universal Edition

Three Philosophies
Catherine McMichael
ALRY Publications

Of Wizards and Witches
Phyllis Avidan Louke
ALRY Publications

Six Quartets
Johann Joachim Quantz, ed. Mary Oleskiewicz
Steglein Publishing, Inc.

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Teresa Austin
Elise Shope
Brianne Sharkey
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Pethrus Gardborn
Jenny M. Robinson
Laura Rakel
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Alysse Anderson
Cathy Arhelger
Laura Benning
Lisa Book
Sharyn Byer
Carla Colon
Starla Doyal
Tabatha Easley
Valerie Estes
Kathy Farmer
Sherry Finzer
Ronda Benson Ford
K. Dawn Grapes
Maria Haller
Joan da Silva Heit
Meghan Johnson
Boyoung Kim
Melissa Lambert
Phyllis Louke
Karen McClintock
Dorli McWayne
Megan Neal
Mary Sand
Kim Setteducati
Abigail Sten
Shauna Thompson
Kelly Via
Penny Zent

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Leah Arsenault
Sarah Brady*
Alicia DiDonato
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Convention Performers Competition

Francesca Arnone
Lee Ann Chivers
Kelly Ann Kazik
Ellen Rakatansky
Jennifer Rhyne
Elizabeth Shuhan
Darrin Thaves
Mihoko Watanabe

Graduate Research Competition

“The Professional Life and Pedagogy of Clement Barone”
Emily J. Butterfield
Ohio State University

“Integrating Extended Techniques into Flute Pedagogy: A Resource Guide for Flutists, Teachers, and Composers”
Leslie Ann Marrs
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

High School Flute Choir Competition

Ben Beitler
Jonnathan Camacho
Erin Camp
Lisa Duke
Dondi Ellis
Leasha Folk
Lauren Grippenstraw
Kiersten Halladay
Amy Hill
Thomas Horter
Lydia Hsu
Allison Hubbell
Yoon-Chan Kim
Abby Leutzinger
Maya Lewis
Gina Luciani
Rachel Maclary
Mira Magrill
Lisa Mannel
Courtney Martin
Ahmed-Mehdi Najm
Laurel Ocampo
Kumar Prashant
Viviana Santiago
Samantha Schaevitz
Sarah Shin
Synthia Smith
Ashley Stahl
Elizabeth Talbert
Alan Tomasetti
Rashimi Trivedi
Kelsey Washburn

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Paul Gardner
Young Ji Ahn*
Jihyun Park
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

Craig Stephen Leake
Tony Scott Lotven
Jose Valentino Ruiz

Masterclass Performers Competition

Gloria Huh
Seonhee Jang
Jessi Rosinski
I-Yun Tu

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Jenny Robinson
Jennifer Nelson
Abel Delgado
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Jennifer Amox
Christina Fay Bellotta
Laura Benning
Lisa Book
Sharyn Byer
Kathy Cameron
Sheri Conover
Rhondda Dayton
Georgia Dimaano
Katherine Eans
Kathy Farmer
Janee Gillilland
Joan da Silva Heit
Dawn Hughes
Patricia Hurtado
Hal Ide
Deborah Johnson
Lisa Busick Johnson
Linda Kirkpatrick
Denise Koncelik
Alicia Kosack
Liliana Lazzari
Marla Lee
Phyllis Louke
Karen McClintock
Dorli McWayne
Tamala Miller
Joyce Oakes
Mary N. Sand
Elizabeth Shuhan
Debra Stombres
Darrin Thaves
Kelly Via
Nancy Wilson
Penny Zent

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Julietta Curenton
Gloria Huh
Mercedes Smith*
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Artist Competition

Teddie Hwang
Claire Genewein
Eve Friedman
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Chamber Music Competition

Ciraldo Duo
1st Place

Convention Performers Competition

Jessica Barry
Emily Butterfield
Bonnie Cochran
Sandra Cox
Patricia Davila
Jennifer Kuk
Sharon Winton

Graduate Research Competition

"Twentieth-Century Compositions for the Baroque Flute"
Linda Pereksta
Florida State University

"Ethereal Fluidity: The Late Flute Works of Aaron Copland"
Nina Perlove
University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music

High School Flute Choir Competition

Heidi Baumbach
Jonnathan Camacho
Mimi Campbell
Jennifer Ch'ng
Megan Cloud
Lisa Duke
Eryn Finke
Kelly Hathorne
Maegan Hunt
Diana Jordan
Jessica Keel
Katherine Kelly
Ainsley Land
Youngin Lee
Kathleen Leung
Katie Lowery
Gina Luciani
Rachel Maclary
Mira Magrill
Ashley Mitzel
Amanda Noble
Miriam Nussbaum
Lauren Remmers
Laura Resnick
Emily Romanello
Luke Sattler
Ashley Stahl
Rashmi Trivedi
Allison Wagner
Thomas Wible

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Megan Emigh*
Pethrus Gardborn
Jessica Anastasio
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

Erin Hunt
Abigail Kegel
Megan Lomonof
Alicia Poot
Sarah Schneider
Melissa Thompson

Newly Published Music Competition

Great Flute Duos from the Orchestral Repertoire
Jeanne Baxtresser and Renee Siebert
Theodore Presser Company

Prelude and Dance
Howard Buss
Brixton Publications

Ballade, Pastorale, and Dance
Eric Ewazen
Southern Music Company

Quartett for 3 Flutes and Alto Flute
Joseph Drechsler, ed. Peter Thalheimer

Sonata No. 2 for flute solo
Harald Genzmer
Schott Music

Bel Canto Flute: The Rampal School
Sheryl Cohen
Winzer Press

Sonato No. 3 for flute and piano
Mike Mower
Itchy Fingers Publications

Concerto for Flute, Strings and Basso
C.P.E. Bach, ed. Ulrich Leisinger and Michael Rautenberg 
Breitkopf & Härtel

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Amy Taylor
Nicole Esposito
Margaret Shin
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Jennifer Hackett
Caitlyn Valovick
Sarah Wimmer
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Laura Benning
Lisa Book
Bonnie Cochran
Joan Curtiss
Kathy Farmer
Heather Fellenser
Joan da Silva Heit
Deborah Johnson
Lisa Busick Johnson
Denise R. Koncelik
Cheryl Lamb
Karen McClintock
Dorli McWayne
Tam Miller
Joyce Oakes
Karla Ordonez
Sue Ann Bartchy Reinisch
Janet Stodd
Debra Stombres
Kelly Via
Penny Zent

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Virginia Broffitt
April Clayton*
Sean Owen
1st Place
2nd Place
2nd Place


Convention Performers Competition

Sandra Cox
Julia Tunstall

Graduate Research Competition

"Form and Lyricism as Elements of Neo-Romanticism in Summer Music Op. 31 by Samuel Barber (1957), with Three Recitals of Selected Works by Bach, Mozart, Hindemith, Handel, Gaubert, and Others."
Hollie Jo Grosklos
University of North Texas

"The Flute Concerto by Carl Nielsen and the Contributions of Holger Gilbert-Jespersen"
Amy Nelson
University of Colorado

High School Flute Choir Competition

Rachel Beetz
Hollie Bell
Jonathon Camacho
Megan Cloud
Sarah Culp
Megan Drummond
Emi Ferguson
Erin Finke
Lisa Follmuth
Katie Hillman
Rika Hood
Katie Howard
Sha Jin
Alexandra Kerr
Grace Kim
Heidi Kim
Monica Lapic
Katie Lowery
Mira Magrill
Amanda Noble
Amy Osborn
Julie Perkins
Angelina Sanfilippo
Amy Schatzer
Shea Schaumann
Na Rae Seo
Lena Steinberg
Jennifer Tangeman
Ryne Van Horn
Brittany Vogt
Colleen White
Thomas Wible
Jane Wilson

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Morrigan O'Brien
Heather Zinninger
Brandon Simmons*
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

Justin Bahrami
Margaret Bennett
Lisa Broniak
Jennifer Lau
Erin McKibben
Katrina Walter

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

Bill McBirnie
Delandria Mills
Kenneth E. Powell

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Emily Gerace
Melanie Schattschneider
Rachel Lopez
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Elizabeth Anderson
Laura Benning
Joan Curtis
Gail Dawson
Kathy Farmer
Donna Haddock
Cathy Hancock Hicks
Treese Kjeldsen
Phyllis Louke
Karen McClintock
Alice McGonigal
Dorli McWayne
Joyce Oakes
Rebecca Jean Smith
Debra Stombres
Kelly Via
Penny Zent

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Yong Ma
Jennifer Regan
Andrea Maisonpierre
April Clayton*
1st Place
1st Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Jed Wentz

Andrea Fegley-Pavlak
Tamara Rotz

Chamber Music Competition

Scott/Garrison Duo
Polaris Wind Quintet
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place

Convention Performers Competition

Lee Ann Chivers
Laurie Glencross
Jill Heyboer
Julia Larson Mattern
Nicolas Real

Graduate Research Competition

"Antoine Reicha's Quartets for Flute and Strings, Op. 98: An Historical Perspective and Stylistic Overview"
Leslie Maaser
Ohio State University

"The Influence of Folk and Popular Music on Twentieh-Century Flute Music of Brazil"
Kristen Smith Stoner
University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music

High School Flute Choir Competition

Anna Berry
Erica Brown
Lisa Bryington
Aileen Chang
Megan Cloud
Katherine Cox
Leslie Daniel
Nicholas Dragga
Jessica Finch
Eve Galvani
Mary-Anne Gilbert
David Graham
Katie Haberlan
Sha Jin
Derek A. Johnson
Katie Lowery
Rachel Maclary
Elizabeth Marks
Amanda Mellem
Cheri Mullins
Whitney Reagan
Leslie Marie Richmond
Sarah Ridenour
Jonathan G. Sherman
Jennifer D. Tangeman
Gina Vespa
Thomas J. Wibble
Jane Wilson
Heather Zinninger

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

David Ross
Matthew Roitstein
Leah Arsenault
Emily Thomas*
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

Instructors: Louis Moyse and David Shostac

Margaret Bennett
Tammy Disharoon
Jasmine Jo Hedrick
Jennifer Stewart Hooker
Cheryl Lynn Housten
Sonja Nesvig

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Mark Sparks

Melissa Ngan
Lori Kesner
Gregory Milliren
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Kate Prestia-Schaub
Frances Tate
Colleen Matheu
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Alexandra Baldwin
Lisa Book
Michael Bowyer
Sharyn Byer
Virginia Church
Sheri Conover
Joan Curtiss
Kathy Farmer
Ronda Benson Ford
Leslie Graham
Anna Whitlock Henry
Kimberly Hudson
Deborah Johnson
Melissa Jurick
Boyoung Kim
Lucy Kowalskim
Phyllis Avidan Louke
Veronica Mascero
Karen McClintock
Dorli McWayne
Cheryl Meisenheimer
Joyce Oakes
Wendy Pender-Cudlip
Margaret Redcay
Shelly Rouse-Freitag
Lauren Sites
Marla Snyder
Janet Stodd
Debra Stombres
Kelly Via
Penny Zent

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Erinn Elyse Frechette-Foster
Kristen Bacchiocchi
Vanessa Holroyd*
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Artist Competition

Mary Oleskiewicz
Linda Pereksta
Manuel Morales
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Convention Performers Competition

Kyle Dzapo
Althea Holdcroft
In Sung Kim
Christine Perea

Graduate Research Competition

"A Performance Edition of Charles Kcechliris Les Chants de Nectaire, Opus 198"
Francesca Marie Arnone
University of Miami

"Quantz and the Flute at Dresden: His Instruments, His Repertory and Their Significance for the "Versuch" and the Bach Circle"
Mary Oleskiewicz
Duke University

High School Flute Choir Competition

Charlsie J. Bondy
Lisa Marie Bryinton
Doo Ri Chung
Megan Cloud
Angelo Jane Derewnko
Nicholas C. Dragga
Sara Lynn Eubanks
Jessica L. Finch
Andrea Ann Garcia
David M. Graham
Hanna C. Gustafsson
Kieran B. Hutchinson
Amanda L. McFarlin
Lee Marie Padilla
Jessica C. Prus
Amy K. Ream
Lindsay P. Seagroves
Krystal R. Schroeder
Allison M. Staples
David W. Staudt
Rachel A. Valente
Thomas J. Wible

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Yoo-bin Son
Carolyn Killian
Sonja Nesvig
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

Instructors: Bonita Boyd and Jill Felber

Susan Dew
Nicole J. McPherson
Lori Kesner
Kassey LeBow
Helen O. Phillips
Gina Panattoni

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Instructors: Tim Day and Robin McKee

Rebecca Powell
Amanda Pond
Justin Berrie
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Betsy Hill

Arpi C. Anderson
Melanie Schattschneider

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Janee Gillilland
Jennifer Grady
Nora Hahn
Althea Holdcroft
Cynthia Mahan-Isenhower
Deborah Johnson
Phyllis Louke
Veronica Mascaro
Karen McClintock
Kim McCutcheon
Dorli McWayne
Cheryl Meisenheimer
Sue Ann Bartchy Reinisch
Virginia Schulze-Johnson
Janet Stodd
Kelly Via
Debbie Woods

Young Artist Competition

Monica Daniel
Jennifer Nitchman
Jennifer Parker-Harley
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Chamber Music Competition

Les Amis Musicalles
The Glorian Duo
1st Place
2nd Place
2nd Place

Convention Performers Competition

Rhonda Cassano
Patricia Dominowski
Leslie Marrs
Julia Larson Mattern
Julia K. Vasques

High School Flute Choir Competition

Kristen Butler
Amy Casper
Sarah Cass
Aileen Chang
Lurie Crafton
Jennifer Day
Angela Derewonko

Molly Filer
Sarah Frank
Jennifer Hunt
Lindsay Leach
Bonnie Lee
Heidi Lynn Lohse
Elizabeth McGlinchey
Laura Pigion
Indra Raj
Cassidy Pratt
Jessica Prus
Cora Qualls
Kathleen Singles
Shana Stoycheff
Whitney Tuxbury
Anna Walsh
Melissa Wangenheim
Rebecca Waters
Margaret Wei
Elizabeth Wiseman

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Daniel Stein
Elizabeth Diener
Nathalie Joachim
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Jazz Flute Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Holly Hoffmann

Nicolas V. Cowles
Susannah Marie Happ
Rebecca L. Kleinmann

Masterclass Performers Competition

Instructors: Jeffrey Khaner and Goran Marcusson

Kristin Bacchiocchi
Kimberly Gandrup
Naoko Oda
Lori Ann Kesner
Lynn Ann Stukart
Kelly E. Watson

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Leone Buyse

Jill Vander Scheer
Jessica Mok
Jane Yi
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Erinn Frechette
Jennifer Hackett
Natalie M. Boyd
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Anne Donner
Tabitha Easley
Kathy Farmer
Jennifer Grady
Cathy Hancock
Rebecca Jeffreys
Deborah Johnson
Lucy Kowalski
Andrea Kapell Loewy
Phyllis Louke
Sandra Lunte
Karen McClintock
Veronica Mascaro
Cheryl Meisenheimer
Sue Ann Bartchy Reinisch
Pamela Romeo
Theresa Ruperd
Virginia Schulze-Johnson
Lauren Sites
Janet Stodd
Kelly Via

Young Artist Competition

Elizabeth Rowe
Martha Councell
Nina Perlove
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Frank Theuns

Kimberly Dawn Friddell
Tara N. Novy
Linda H. Pereksta

Convention Performers Competition

Barbara Hopkins
Melanie Cramer-Fuller
Dennette Derby-McDermott
Diane McCloskey Fiocca
Elizabeth Sadilek
Cynthia Folio

High School Flute Choir Competition

Katherine Susanne McKinney
Laura Russ
Julie Sandell
Amy Tori
Kathryn N. Weaver
Laura Rakel

Ashley Bowen
Hyun-Ju Lee
Angela Derewonko
Megan Neal
Elisheva Marguiles
Ryan Ward
Laura Pigion
Shelley Burgess
Heigi Lynn Lohse
Sonya Madison
Ashley Marlene Young
Elsbeth Drews
Melissa Harrigill
Lorilyn Woods
Alicia Saunders
Jessie Kindig
Margaret Wei

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Mercedes Smith
Daniel Grodzicki
Prema Kesselman
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

Instructors: Peter-Lukas Graf and Jean-Michel Tanguy

Caroline C. Kung
Marie Ann Munoz
Yasuka Nambu
Crystal Marie Shields
Anna Wessler
Natalie Zimmerman

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Joshua Smith

Jennifer Wheeler
Heather Verbeck
Jane Wei
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Professional Flute Choir Competition

Lisa Book
Virginia Church
Theresa D'Errico
Kathy Farmer
Ronda Benson Ford
Karen Garrison
Janee Gillilland
Jennifer Grady
Nora R. Hahn
Janet Hale
Cathy Hancock
Deborah Johnson
Dorli McWayne
Veronica Mascaro
Cheryl Meisenheimer
Pamela Romeo
Janet Stodd
Joyce Wilson

Young Artist Competition

Wendy Cohen
Catherine Lum
Joanna Sisk
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Artist Competition

Vincent Touzet
Mary Oleskiewicz
Linda Pereksta
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Chamber Music Competition

Calico Winds
2nd Place

Convention Performers Competition

Barbara Clement
Karen Haid
Barbara Hopkins
Julia Larson
Nan Raphael
Kairulla Zhumakenov

High School Flute Choir Competition

Molly Agnew
Katherine Andreola
Justin Bahrami
Daria Binkowski
Nellie Black
Ashley Bowen
Shannon Brown
Alex Eversmeyer
Sarah Hansen
Daniel Harris
Karin Kantenwein
Heesoo Kim
Amy Koehler
Sarah McCaffrey
Matt McCarthy
Pamela Mandelbaum
Morgana Martin
Gwendolyn Mathis
Sarah Matthews
Megan Neal
Rebecca Palmer
Daniel Parasky
Laura Pigion
Claire Starz
Hermine Vermeij
Kelly Watson
Sarah Wimmer
Christina Wood

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Elissa Pohorily
Michael Gordon
Jenny Robinson
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Masterclass Performers Competition

Instructors: Robert Stallman and Jim Walker

Elisabeth Berry
Genevieve Henry
Lisa Marino
Elizabeth McCafferty
Julie McClung
Matt Nipper

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Anne Diener Zentner

Haeyoun Choi
Natalie Debikey
Britt East
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Wendy Wilhelmi
Claire Genewein
Luellyn K. North
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Masterclass Competition

Instructor: Zart Dombourian-Eby

Martin Davis
Tammy Sue Kirk
Marin Wall

Young Artist Competition

Christina Jennings
Jennifer Parker
Deanna Hahn
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Kim Soon Yun
Lisa Marino
Caroline Kung
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Kara DeRaad
Wendy Cohen
Colleen Countryman
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

Susanna Self
Kris Guthrie
Luellyn North
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Yoo Mee Jung
Dorothy Wu
Elizabeth Phelps
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Anita Thesen
April Clayton
Jennifer Dame
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Betty Douglas
Alison Brown Freedy
Wendy Wilhelmi
1st Place
1st Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

Kanae Kikuchi
Deanna Hahn
Alison Brown
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Baroque Flute Artist Competition

Benedek Csalog
Anita Miller-Rieder
Na'ama Lion
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Ann Galbraith
Kaori Fujii
Yoo Mee Jung
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Alison Brown Freedy
Melissa Haisten
Beth Chandler
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Rebecca West
Alison Potter
Alison Brown Freedy
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

Gaspar Hoyos
Amy Michaels-Watt
Elizabeth Marshall
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Hannah Hintze
Jessica Huang
Jun Kubo
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Heather Lockwood
Tanya Dusevic
Jin Ta
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Amy Nelson
Sarah Payne
Gregory Jefferson
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Piccolo Artist Competition

Shannon Finney
Mary Kay Ferguson
Kathleen Dyer
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Marianne Gedigian
Janne Thomsen
Melissa Mielens
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Demarre McGill
Arto Artinian
Jane Yi
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Dominique Etévant
Dana Varelli
Naoyuki Nozu
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Myung Joo Ahn
Mandy DeFilippo
Jane Yi
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Catherine Ransom
Naoyuki Nozu
Catherine Bowie
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Avichai Ornoy
Hyun Jung Park
Elizabeth Rowe
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Amy K. Porter
Jeffery Zook
Debra Reuter-Pivetta
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Maria K. Harding
Cinnamon Creeden
Suhnyoung Yoon
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Philip Dikeman
Marianne Gedigian
Linda Verrier
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Daniella Rangel
Elizabeth Cody
Dionne Marie Hansen
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Samuel Coles
Catherine Ransom
Emanuelle Réville
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


High School Soloist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Jennifer Mary Hambrick
Kirsten Larsen
J. Paul Lyttle
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Göran Marcusson
Tallon Perkes
Rachel Holt
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Philip Dikeman
Claudia Walker
Bart Feller
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Mary Kay Fink
Tallon Perkes
Jeffery Zook
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place



Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Amy E. Hughes
Susan Leitzke
Jeffery Zook
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Rhonda Larson
Kristin Winter
Irad Carmi
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place



Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Heidi Ruby
Valerie Potter
Susan Glaser
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Rachel Brown
Sharon Wood
Laura Ellen Paulu
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place



Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Linda Toote
Janet Arms
Debra Cross
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Richard Davis
Karen Johnson
Tallon Perkes
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place



Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Barbara Hopkins
Amy Hamilton
Wendy Williams
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Adam Kuenzel
Susan Glaser
Amy Hamilton
2nd Place
3rd Place
3rd Place



Orchestral Audition and Masterclass Competition

Zart Dombourian-Eby
Carol Brown
2nd Place
3rd Place

Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Clare Southworth
Beverly Joan Pugh
Clifford Stone Tretick
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place



Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Linda Chesis
Larry Ink
Laurel Zucker
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place



Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Susan Marie Klick
Randolph Bowman
Brad Garner
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place



Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Gary Schocker
Mary Karen Clardy
Jan Gault
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place



Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Jan Justis Crisanti
Laura Larson
Tena Hess
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place



Young Artist Competition

*Denotes Best Performance of a Newly Commissioned Piece

Maralyn Prestia
Laura Larson
Patti Adams
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place