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Borrowing Guidelines

  1. Five items may be borrowed at a time. Please list alternate choices in case your original requests are unavailable.
  2. The lending period for materials is 60 days. Materials may be renewed by written request for another 28 days. Late materials are subject to fines according to the University of Arizona Library policy and no further requests may be made until these fines are paid.
  3. Once you know your selections, use the Online Library Request Form to submit your request.
  4. A processing and shipping fee of $10, payable to the National Flute Association, is required to fulfill your request. 
  5. When returning music to the NFA music library, materials should be properly packaged in a sturdy padded mail envelope. Music should be sent either First Class, Priority Mail, or overnight parcel service.
  6. Since items from the NFA Library are housed in the University of Arizona Music Library, members of the U of A community may recall these items. If you receive an email notice from the University of Arizona Library stating that an item you have checked out has been recalled, please return this item before the date stated in the e-mail to prevent any fines being posted to your account.

Locating Music

The catalog for this Collection is available online through the University of Arizona's online catalog. You can also browse the NFA collections prior to your digital search. 

Search the NFA Library for specific composers, works, etc. A wide variety of intuitive search options are available through this online catalog.

  1. Click here to visit the Library Website.
  2. You may simply type the composer, title, arranger, or instrumentation in one of the “Keyword(s)“ fields.
  3. You may also use any of the “Limit to“ fields to expedite your search.
  4. Once you know your selections, use the Online Library Request Form to submit your request.

Library Support

The NFA Library is staffed with graduate flute performers and scholars capable of fielding a wide variety of questions at no charge. Every effort will be made to answer your queries within 48-72 hours.

Any questions about the NFA music library may be directed to:

Michelle Monroe-Menjugas, Library Operations Supervisor
NFA Music Library
c/o University of Arizona Libraries
1510 E. University
Tucson, AZ 85721-0055