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Blog Archive

This page contains all existing posts for the The NFA Committee Blog and the NFA Community Blog, which were retired in June 2024. Click here to visit the new NFA Blog.

The NFA Committee Blog

Thank You to Our Outgoing Volunteers

Nov 1, 2019, 14:19 PM by Kelly Jocius

Please join us in thanking our outgoing volunteers and congratulating them on a job superbly done! Together they contributed thousands of hours, countless brilliant ideas, and boundless passion to the NFA and its members.

Naomi Seidman, Board Secretary
Cristina Ballatori, Board Member
Mary Kay Fink, Board Member
Jennifer Grim, Board Member
John Bailey, Special Publications Committee Chair
Katherine Borst Jones, Past Presidents Council Chair
Marcela DeFaria Casaubon, Development Committee Chair
Katherine Emeneth, Membership Committee Chair
Ernesto Fernandez, Jazz Flute Masterclass and Jazz Artist Competition Coordinator
Zach Galatis, Piccolo Artist and Piccolo Orchestral Audition & Masterclass Competition Coordinator
Debbie Gilbert, Flute Choir Composition Competition Coordinator
Kate Henry, Assistant Program Chair
Sally Humphreys, Local Arrangements Chair
Rebecca Johnson, Program Chair
John Lane, High School Soloist Competition Coordinator
Dan Parasky, High School Flute Choir Competition Coordinator
Carla Rees, International Liaison
Shauna Thompson, Professional Flute Choir Competition Coordinator
Jessica Valiente, World Music Committee Chair
Pamela Youngblood, General Competitions Coordinator

Their terms officially ended October 31, 2019, but we look forward to continuing our work together in the years ahead.

The NFA Community Blog

Thank You to Our Outgoing Volunteers

Nov 1, 2019, 14:19 PM by Kelly Jocius

Please join us in thanking our outgoing volunteers and congratulating them on a job superbly done! Together they contributed thousands of hours, countless brilliant ideas, and boundless passion to the NFA and its members.

Naomi Seidman, Board Secretary
Cristina Ballatori, Board Member
Mary Kay Fink, Board Member
Jennifer Grim, Board Member
John Bailey, Special Publications Committee Chair
Katherine Borst Jones, Past Presidents Council Chair
Marcela DeFaria Casaubon, Development Committee Chair
Katherine Emeneth, Membership Committee Chair
Ernesto Fernandez, Jazz Flute Masterclass and Jazz Artist Competition Coordinator
Zach Galatis, Piccolo Artist and Piccolo Orchestral Audition & Masterclass Competition Coordinator
Debbie Gilbert, Flute Choir Composition Competition Coordinator
Kate Henry, Assistant Program Chair
Sally Humphreys, Local Arrangements Chair
Rebecca Johnson, Program Chair
John Lane, High School Soloist Competition Coordinator
Dan Parasky, High School Flute Choir Competition Coordinator
Carla Rees, International Liaison
Shauna Thompson, Professional Flute Choir Competition Coordinator
Jessica Valiente, World Music Committee Chair
Pamela Youngblood, General Competitions Coordinator

Their terms officially ended October 31, 2019, but we look forward to continuing our work together in the years ahead.