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Blog Archive

This page contains all existing posts for the The NFA Committee Blog and the NFA Community Blog, which were retired in June 2024. Click here to visit the new NFA Blog.

The NFA Committee Blog

Connect with Your Community - Flute Clubs Committee Events

Jul 31, 2023, 14:24 PM by Noah Cline

By Heather Neuenschwander, the Flute Clubs Committee


The Flute Clubs Committee has been busy preparing events this spring and summer. We’re excited to tell you about a few opportunities and let you know how you can get involved.

On Sunday April 2, 2023 the Flute Clubs Committee sponsored an NFA online event Understanding Music Copyright Law. This event featured panelists Jay Berger, manager of licensing and copyright department at Carl Fischer Music and the Theodore Presser Music Company, and Nicole Chamberlain, composer and owner of independent music publishing company Spotted Rocket. During this one-hour virtual session, the panelists answered questions about making legal copies of sheet music, distribution of physical and electronic copies of sheet music, streaming licenses, mechanical licenses, arranging licenses and specifics about how to know if a piece is in the public domain and no longer bound by copyright laws in the United States. The majority of this information was aimed at issues pertaining to flute clubs and choirs but there was essential information given for teachers and performers. One quick take away from the session is that communication with the publishers is the best first step in most situations. The full video can be seen here.

Screen Shot 2023-07-31 at 10.17.32 AM
At the 2023 convention in Phoenix, the Flute Clubs Committee will present several events and opportunities to connect. Please join us and share your ideas and questions with the committee.

 Thursday August 3 at 12:00, join us for Beyond the Notes - Addressing Flute Choir Intonation. Brian Dunbar, Katherine Emeneth, Tori Lupinek Yaussy and Paige Dashner Long will guide participants through a wide variety of techniques and approaches to build and improve solid personal and ensemble intonation. Don’t forget to bring your flute!

Friday August 4 from 8:45 am - 10:00 am, the committee will host a double panel session. Keeping the Torch Lit will explore the structures of different organizations, offer resources for 501c3 organizations, and discuss strategies to help prevent burnout in leadership roles. Building a Flute Community will feature flute choir, club, and camp leaders who have found innovative ways to recruit and retain members in their area through outreach and other methods.

PXL_20220812_143909211Saturday August 5 at 8:00 am, don’t miss Flute Choir Warm-up with Native American Repertoire. This session will be an interactive, refreshing, and powerful flute choir warm-up connecting with the energy from the land, led by Mihoko Watanabe. Don’t forget to bring your flute!

Also on Saturday August 5, at 2:45 pm the Flute Clubs Choir will join with the Pedagogy Committee for Teaching and Exploring Diverse Flute Choir Repertoire. This session will address issues in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in flute choirs and share a newly released database of flute choir repertoire that provides solutions to some of these issues. Following the discussion, attendees will be invited to join a reading session featuring selected works from the database. Please bring your flutes!

Looking for a more casual way to connect and discuss topics related to flute clubs and flute choirs? Come to the Flute Choir Enthusiasts Meet-up on Saturday August 5 from 4:30-5:30. Network, socialize, share ideas! This event is perfect for flute choir/ensemble conductors, members and enthusiasts.

PXL_20220813_160429313While you’re at the convention, don’t forget to visit us for office hours at the Committee Booth in the exhibit hall. We will be available for office hours on Thursday and Friday from 2-3 and Saturday 10-11 am. 

Stay tuned for more events sponsored by the Flute Clubs Committee including the release of the Flute Choir Repertoire Guide!

Our committee seeks to foster a sense of community and engage flutists of all levels by serving as a liaison to and providing resources for all flute organizations, clubs and choirs. We would like to highlight the great work of flute clubs across the US by featuring local flute clubs in our blog. If you have an innovative project or unique organization you’d like us to feature, email us at

The NFA Community Blog

Connect with Your Community - Flute Clubs Committee Events

Jul 31, 2023, 14:24 PM by Noah Cline

By Heather Neuenschwander, the Flute Clubs Committee


The Flute Clubs Committee has been busy preparing events this spring and summer. We’re excited to tell you about a few opportunities and let you know how you can get involved.

On Sunday April 2, 2023 the Flute Clubs Committee sponsored an NFA online event Understanding Music Copyright Law. This event featured panelists Jay Berger, manager of licensing and copyright department at Carl Fischer Music and the Theodore Presser Music Company, and Nicole Chamberlain, composer and owner of independent music publishing company Spotted Rocket. During this one-hour virtual session, the panelists answered questions about making legal copies of sheet music, distribution of physical and electronic copies of sheet music, streaming licenses, mechanical licenses, arranging licenses and specifics about how to know if a piece is in the public domain and no longer bound by copyright laws in the United States. The majority of this information was aimed at issues pertaining to flute clubs and choirs but there was essential information given for teachers and performers. One quick take away from the session is that communication with the publishers is the best first step in most situations. The full video can be seen here.

Screen Shot 2023-07-31 at 10.17.32 AM
At the 2023 convention in Phoenix, the Flute Clubs Committee will present several events and opportunities to connect. Please join us and share your ideas and questions with the committee.

 Thursday August 3 at 12:00, join us for Beyond the Notes - Addressing Flute Choir Intonation. Brian Dunbar, Katherine Emeneth, Tori Lupinek Yaussy and Paige Dashner Long will guide participants through a wide variety of techniques and approaches to build and improve solid personal and ensemble intonation. Don’t forget to bring your flute!

Friday August 4 from 8:45 am - 10:00 am, the committee will host a double panel session. Keeping the Torch Lit will explore the structures of different organizations, offer resources for 501c3 organizations, and discuss strategies to help prevent burnout in leadership roles. Building a Flute Community will feature flute choir, club, and camp leaders who have found innovative ways to recruit and retain members in their area through outreach and other methods.

PXL_20220812_143909211Saturday August 5 at 8:00 am, don’t miss Flute Choir Warm-up with Native American Repertoire. This session will be an interactive, refreshing, and powerful flute choir warm-up connecting with the energy from the land, led by Mihoko Watanabe. Don’t forget to bring your flute!

Also on Saturday August 5, at 2:45 pm the Flute Clubs Choir will join with the Pedagogy Committee for Teaching and Exploring Diverse Flute Choir Repertoire. This session will address issues in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in flute choirs and share a newly released database of flute choir repertoire that provides solutions to some of these issues. Following the discussion, attendees will be invited to join a reading session featuring selected works from the database. Please bring your flutes!

Looking for a more casual way to connect and discuss topics related to flute clubs and flute choirs? Come to the Flute Choir Enthusiasts Meet-up on Saturday August 5 from 4:30-5:30. Network, socialize, share ideas! This event is perfect for flute choir/ensemble conductors, members and enthusiasts.

PXL_20220813_160429313While you’re at the convention, don’t forget to visit us for office hours at the Committee Booth in the exhibit hall. We will be available for office hours on Thursday and Friday from 2-3 and Saturday 10-11 am. 

Stay tuned for more events sponsored by the Flute Clubs Committee including the release of the Flute Choir Repertoire Guide!

Our committee seeks to foster a sense of community and engage flutists of all levels by serving as a liaison to and providing resources for all flute organizations, clubs and choirs. We would like to highlight the great work of flute clubs across the US by featuring local flute clubs in our blog. If you have an innovative project or unique organization you’d like us to feature, email us at