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Wisconsin Flute Festival 2025 Competitions & Artistry Class

Madison, Wisconsin
WYSO Center for Music, 1118 East. Washington Avenue
Danielle Breisach
(608) 843-0617


2025-competitions-7d9f8e1ead31416297a317140564093aCompetitions are open to flutists, beginner through high school, collegiate undergrads for Junior, Young, and Collegiate Artist. Each year the Wisconsin Flute Festival also invites flutists of all ages to apply for a spot in a class with one of our guest artists. Three to four talented individuals will be chosen and invited to work with Rhonda Larson. All registered Festival participants are welcome to attend and observe the Artistry class. Apply by March 15th!


Festival registration plus $40 Competition and/or $25 Artistry class fees.