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The Haynes Challenge

NFA Endowment Wm. S. Haynes Co. Challenge

In celebration of “125 Years of Exquisite Flutemaking,” the Wm. S. Haynes Co. made a $125,000, 10-year commitment to the National Flute Association, for the years 2013-2022. The intent of this donation was to help the NFA present fine international flutists to attend and perform at the NFA Annual Conventions.

In addition, the Wm. S. Haynes Co. joined with the NFA to sponsor a matching challenge to raise an additional $125,000 in member donations to the NFA General Endowment Fund by 2022. The General Endowment Fund enables the NFA to provide compelling new music commissions for the flute family, historical recordings and special publications for the flute, and funding of diverse scholarships and competitions.

We are delighted to announce that, as of January 2020, we have reached the goal for the Wm. S. Haynes Co. Challenge! Since the announcement of the challenge in 2013, NFA members have donated $125,000 to the NFA’s General Endowment Fund—the same amount the Wm. S. Haynes company generously pledged in contributions through 2022. We are grateful for their leadership and vision in establishing this opportunity, as well as the extraordinary support of NFA members in reaching this goal.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Haynes Challenge! We are honored by your support and your enthusiastic and wide-ranging vision for the National Flute Association. 

We look forward to the next phase of this collaboration!