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The Art of Giving a Masterclass for the College Interview Process 

by Mariana S. Gariazzo


The NFA Pedagogy Committee conducted a mock application process and selected four university job candidates to give a mini-masterclass as part of the college interviewing process. The candidates were Amanda Reyna, Alyssa Schwartz, Candice Behrmann Tenney, and Eftihia Arkoudis.

They each demonstrated great teaching skills by approaching students in supportive ways and developing creative solutions to common problems.  

Master pedagogues Eva Amsler, Leone Buyse, and Angeleita Floyd provided insightful feedback on the spot to all four candidates. Some of the masters’ most important remarks were to select a specific goal to work with the student during this mini-lesson, to be tuned to a student learning style and preferences, to recognize and utilize a student’s strengths to develop confidence, and to approach teaching problems in creative ways.