Dr. Ceylon Mitchell II
Phyllis Louke
Daniel Pardo
Dr. Tia Roper
Mary Shemon
Meerenai Shim
Diane Boyd Schultz
The form and instructions have changed since last year. Most importantly, you must complete your proposal in one sitting, as you cannot save your progress and return to it later. Please read all guidelines and instructions well before the October 8th deadline.
Read these step-by-step instructions for completing the new proposal form. You can also watch this video that walks you through the application process.
Ensure that your NFA membership is up to date. An active membership is required to submit a proposal. You can learn more about NFA membership here.
You must prepare your materials before beginning the proposal form. To see the required materials, refer to this example proposal form (pdf) and gather your supplemental materials. All supplemental materials must be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, or Dropbox, and entered into the proposal form as a working link.
Submit your proposal in our Member Portal. You must be prepared to complete the entire form in one sitting - you cannot save your progress and return to it later.
We encourage members to submit proposals that include single works that can be programmed in shared recitals. If you are submitting a panel, lecture, or workshop there is no need to add works. You will have the option to add 5 works.
Flute Choirs: Flute Choir proposals will be accepted through a separate Flute Ensemble Festival application, which will be published later in the year. Do not use this form to apply for the Flute Ensemble Festival.
Please also note that we are no longer accepting gala concerto proposals for the 2025 convention.
We held an informative online session on Saturday, September 21s. In this session, NFA representatives walked attendees through the proposal process and answered questions. The video is available for viewing here.
Flute Choirs (6+ flutes): Please note that all flute choir applications must be submitted via the Flute Ensemble Festival portal. Submission deadline is November 15th. A flute choir is defined as an ensemble of 6 flutes or more. Flute choir applications will not be accepted as part of the convention proposal process.
Performance Proposals: A recording of your playing is required for each work on your proposal. Provide a working link such as YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, or Dropbox. Access must be set so that anyone with a link can view the video or files.
Panel/Lectures/Workshops: May include detailed outlines, videos of prior presentations, or PowerPoint presentations shared via a working link such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, or Dropbox. Access must be set so that anyone with a link can view the files.
Warm-up/Sight-reading session: Please include a detailed outline including repertoire, skill level, participants target, thematic topics, and accurate timing for your session. Supplemental materials can be shared via a working link such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, or Dropbox. Access must be set so that anyone with a link can view the files.
AV Requirements: There will be limited Audio and Video resources available for your presentation. Be specific on your needs below and list everything you need in the application. You are responsible for bringing adapters to connect to the hotel equipment and all other equipment needed for the session. A personal laptop computer is the recommended method of playing audio files, video files, and using PowerPoint on this equipment. The NFA cannot provide laptops or iPads. Download all pertinent materials to your computer and exclusively present from there. Do not depend solely on the conference center's WIFI for internet access, as NFA cannot ensure its reliability or speed, even with paid access. On site printing is not provided by the NFA.
Supplemental Materials: You can share with us any supplemental materials, including presentations, images, brochures, workshop/lecture outlines, etc. Provide supplemental files via working links to YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, or Dropbox. Access must be set so that anyone with a link can view the files or videos.
Accessibility: The NFA is committed to meeting the accessibility needs of all convention participants. Presenters whose proposals are accepted will be asked if they have accessibility needs as part of the session confirmation process so that NFA may provide the necessary support.
If you have any questions or problems with your proposal, please email Mily Harrod, NFA Membership Manager, at mharrod@nfaonline.org