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Membership & Benefits

Introducing Rolling Membership

The NFA announces a major change to your membership. As of February 1, 2020, memberships will be in effect 365 days from when you join or renew. Please read below for details.


What does this mean?

Until now, the NFA operated on a fixed membership year, from August 1 to July 31. No matter when you joined during the year, your membership expired on July 31. Now, whenever you join, your membership will be effective for 365 days.


Why is the NFA making this change?

This change is aimed at maximizing the value of your NFA membership by providing a full year of benefits, no matter when you join or renew. We have discussed this goal for several years. It is now possible because of the NFA’s new member database, which we launched in June 2019. Depending on your level, your individual NFA membership now only costs from $2.29 per month (for Student Group Discounted membership) to $7.92 per month (for Active membership). 


What membership levels does this affect?

Rolling membership applies to all member levels except Life.


What if I’m not currently a member?

If you have been an NFA member previously, you do not need to create a new account. You can just log into the website and rejoin, and your membership for the next 365 days will go into effect immediately. (Please do not create a new account if you have already been a member. If you have trouble logging into your account, please contact membership manager Mily Harrod at If you have never been an NFA member, you will need to create an account through the website and then purchase a membership.


Will my membership automatically renew after one year?

If you would like your membership to renew automatically, you will need to select that option when you join or rejoin, or later, from your member profile. We encourage you to opt in for automatic renewal to ensure uninterrupted access to your benefits.


How will I keep track of my membership status and expiration date?

When you log in to the NFA website, you can find your status and membership expiration date by visiting your profile. When your membership is about to expire, you will receive e-mail reminders about this.


How does this affect my convention participation?

You will still need to be a member at the time of submitting a proposal or entering a competition and to attend the convention.


Is there anything else the NFA would like me to know?

Yes, two more things!

  1. Please help us spread the word about this change and encourage your friends and students to join or renew their membership. This is also a great time to give a gift membership.
  2. Please let us know what we can do to create more value in your membership.


Thank you for supporting the NFA through your membership. We are excited about this new opportunity to partner with all our members throughout the year!