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Special Publications Committee is Seeking an Engraver

Dec 4, 2024, 15:12 PM by Noah Cline

The NFA Special Publications Committee is looking for an expert Finale engraver to help our latest project.

The Special Publication Committee is currently collaborating with the Music by Black Composers (MBC)* project of the Rachel Barton Pine Foundation to create a series of sheet music for student flutists made up entirely of works by composers of African descent from around the world and throughout history. The first volume, which we are creating right now, is geared for elementary to intermediate flute students.  

We are close to finalizing the repertoire for this volume. Once that is done the music needs to be put into Finale before being sent to the publisher. 

  • Are you a seasoned, experienced Finale expert? 

  • Do you have exceptional attention to detail? 

  • Can you work within a deadline?

We are looking for an experienced volunteer to engrave the ~15 works that will be in the book (flute line, teacher flute duet line, and piano accompaniment).   

If you are qualified and this is something you would consider, please email SP chair Jennifer Kennard ( by December 12 to talk more about it.

*For background, MBC has already created three volumes in a similar series for violin, which have been celebrated by teachers, students, and families throughout the country. MBC sheet music series are designed for beginners though advanced-level students; the first volume for flute will be for beginners and elementary-level players, with subsequent volumes of increasing difficulty planned for the future. MBC publications aim to include a variety of musical styles, from diverse time periods, geographical origins (global), and written by composers of diverse genders. In addition to the music, MBC volumes include composer biographies, feature articles on Black classical music making throughout history, profiles of living Black role models in classical music making, and free online recordings