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"All In" Program Recognizes Studios with 100% NFA Membership

Feb 21, 2024, 16:43 PM by Noah Cline

The NFA announces a new program, “All In,” that recognizes flute studios that reach 100% NFA membership. 

If your entire flute studio is “all in” and has joined the NFA, email Mily Harrod and let us know! We will recognize your studio with:

  • A post from the NFA's official social media accounts

  • A shoutout in the NFA Weekly newsletter

  • Individual member stickers for the whole studio

NFA memberships provide a wealth of year-round benefits, including a subscription to The Flutist Quarterly, discounted instrument insurance through Anderson Musical Instrument Insurance, LLC, borrowing privileges from the NFA Sheet Music Library, and more. 

Flute studios of 10 or more are encouraged to take advantage of our Student Group Discount ($27.50 per student, per year).

If you have any questions, contact Mily Harrod at 

Student Group Membership Flyer