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2021 NFA convention to be held online

Feb 1, 2021, 17:00 PM by National Flute Association

The board of directors of the NFA has made the difficult decision not to hold the 2021 convention in person. Health and safety are top priorities, and uncertainties surrounding COVID-19 and steps to recovery make planning an in-person event this August impossible. However, we're pleased to report that convention programming will be preserved and carried over to a virtual platform.

While we'll all miss the sensory buzz of in-person convention, we're excited about the expanded possibilities a virtual convention presents. With plane tickets, hotel rooms, travel arrangements, and general geographic proximity no longer required, more people than ever can join in, allowing for a more diverse and multifaceted dialog. And along with a number of passionate volunteers, program chair Jennifer Grim has put together an exciting array of programs and experiences for attendees to dive into from the comfort of their own homes.

"While it is unfortunate that we can’t gather in person for the convention, I am excited to share the thoughtful, diverse, and imaginative programs and presentations submitted by the NFA membership," Jennifer says. "Flutists from around the world will come together for a virtual celebration of the convention’s theme, 'Variations on a Dream,' through performances, masterclasses, thought-provoking discussions, and workshops. This summer may still look a little different, but I look forward to seeing all of you online and as we look toward the future."

We'll be back in touch with more details about registration, cost, programming, and internship opportunities. In the meantime, mark your calendars for August 12–15, 2021. We look forward to seeing you!