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The 2020 Election is Now Open

Jul 1, 2020, 14:31 PM by National Flute Association

Review the 2020 candidates’ statements and biographies. The Vice President/President Elect will serve two years and then two years as President; the Assistant Secretary/Secretary will serve one year in each position; Board Members will serve three-year terms.

Voting opens July 1 and closes August 8 at 5:00 p.m. (CDT). Only Active and Life Members are eligible to vote. We will announce the election results online and at the annual meeting of the membership, held August 14, 2020.

How to Vote
1. Log in to your NFA Member Profile. (If you're already logged in to the NFA website, you can find this page by clicking on "Profile" in the upper right-hand corner.) 
2. Under the "Awards & Competitions" heading, click "View Open Competitions." 
3. You should see "2020 Board Ratification" on the next page. Click the link next to it that says "View." 
4. At the bottom of the next page, under "Election Tasks," click "Vote Now!" 
5. The system will ask for your first and last name. Please enter 2020 NFA Election.
6. Make your selections and click "Continue." 
7. You will be taken to a confirmation page. Click "Place Order" to submit your vote. (Please note that there is no cost associated with voting, and your card will not be charged.)

Thank you for being an active part of our association!