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NFA News

 The Latest News and Updates from the NFA.

Welcome to the New Website

Jun 10, 2019, 16:57 PM by NFA Staff
A fresh look and feel for the NFA.

We are pleased to introduce the new NFAonline!

Not only does the website have a fresh look and feel, it is also fully mobile responsive and designed for a better user experience, no matter what device you're browsing on. In short, NFA members will be able to find resources and access all the benefits of membership more easily.

Here are some highlights of the new nfaonline experience: '

Mobile-Friendly Design - Access the NFA website and browse on any device, including your smartphone or tablet.
Community and Committee Blogs - Keep up with your colleagues and read posts on various flute topics.
Updated Member Portal - View your membership, purchase, and donation history all in one location. 
Better Member Experience - Enhanced administrative features will make it easier for the NFA to serve our members.